12 Wolverines

Conned Zip Drive into posting with me early on his Winter break (after a late night out for us all Thursday night), then conned him into trying his hand at a little bit of the Q.  We planned to cover about 2 miles on the run, with a 12 Days of Christmas countup.  Little surprise for #12.  We arrived a little early and put out some course navigational aids.

Warmup Run around the pickle CCW, high knees, carioca, buttkickers.  Back to the start, and some new arrivals (Ollie and FNG Ribbit).  5 burpees OYO, then on to the rest.

  • SSH x 15
  • IW x 10
  • GM x 10

Okay, now count off.  Then the cluster began.  Headlamps, gloves, errrbody goin’ haywire.  Zip Drive looking at me like “is this normal?”  “Course it is son, it’s my Q.  Always something wrong.”

The Thang

Anyhow, all formed up, we headed off into the woods.  Quick explanation about our starting point, and to pair up with someone with a different number, someone you normally don’t pair up with.  We’re gonna do some 12 days of Christmas.  Start each one with a lap, working up through the list.  Also, change directions each time.

  • 1 lap through the woods with your partner
  • 2 Turkish getups OYO
  • 3 Jump squats OYO
  • 4 Diamond Merkins (occasionally OMD)
  • 5 Monkey Humpers OYO
  • 6 Wide Arm Merkins (sometimes OMD)
  • 7 Plank Jacks (4 ct. IC)
  • 8 LBCs IC
  • 9 Jump Lunges OYO
  • 10 Partner clap merkins
  • 11 Carolina Drydocks
  • 12 Wolverines

We got in a total of 8 laps around the 0.2 mile loop, cutting it to half laps after 6 whole laps.  Also, finished it with 12 wolverines, then a mosey up to the basketball court due to running short on time.  My math says we did 286 exercises in that time, plus 12 runs.


Zip Drive led us through 10 count BTTW down the line, followed by 10 count People’s Chair, then we circled up a 0629 for COT.


Boxing Day Murph at FMJ, 0700; NYD Convergence at A-Team, 0700.

Prayer Concerns

Burt’s brother in law John’s battles with cancer.

Safe Travels for all over Christmas.

Pierogi’s mother in the hospital..

Old Maid took us out with Luke 2


Was going to be a full 12 laps of a .25 mile circle.  Glad I audibled, as that loop was no joke that we ended up doing.  Hit a hill each way, no matter our direction.

Privilege to lead fellas.

NOTE: I’ve got a name or two wrong; help me get ’em right.

See also