12 Ways that Year 2 Differed from Year 1

Following up on my 12 pieces of advice from last year’s f3versary backblast, I thought it might be fun to reflect on how things were different over this second year. To summarize, I would say focusing and finding my place was the theme for this past year.

  1. Q’d a lot more this year (30+), and am more comfortable, yet oddly perhaps less prepared, at leading.

  2. Wrote way fewer backblasts. Used to write one per workout. But I do write a newsletter, so tradeoffs.

  3. Post less than I used to, (3-4 days/week vs. 5-6). Rest is important, but FOMO is real.

  4. Also post at fewer different AOs than I used to. Makes me nostalgic and a bit sad. Also, what happened to the AAZ?

  5. Did a GTE, two mountain relays, and two CSAUPs.

  6. Hence learned to deal with injuries way more than last year.

  7. Go slower, last longer. Running, I mean.

  8. Weigh a bit less, but leveling off.

  9. Don’t eat as well as I thought I would.

  10. Joined the Carpex Shared Leadership Team.

  11. Launched a new site for the first time with Earhart and Triple Lindy. It’s already closed. For now.

  12. Do a ton of stuff with the Shield Lock. I saved the best one for last.

Still a backblast

I planned to recreate the hardest Q I’ve been to, which Squatter led at Lion’s Den back in May 2021. But I wasn’t sure I could do it justice, so I changed my mind last minute. I think the

Warmup: Bear-crawl/lungewalk threading through the parking lot, interspersed with upper- and lower-body focussed exercises at the end of each lot.

Interlude: Partner up for an in-sync hill sprint.

Thang 1: Partner rock work. P1 does curls, overhead press, and tricep skullcrushers while P2 runs down the lane, around the traffic circle, and back.

Thang 2: Broga, focusing on one leg at a time. Only 2 legs were stretched.


  • Apparently Steaks did a Clockwork impersonation. I missed it because I think I was running ahead.
  • Peaches was extremely disappointed that we didn’t end up needed the headlamps. Not sure anyone else was.
  • Hamm eventually got his hamstring stretch.
  • Chiquita Banana ended with an impassioned plea to support Ecuador against Qatar in this Sunday’s world cup.
  • Coffeeteria with the Tortoises crew at Wake Zone. Bummed that Piranha Joe’s is closed til 7 until we can find someone to assume, but never replace, Jared’s spot. Even more bummed to have missed Verde’s cha-cha plank VQ today.

In the words of the founding Peak City Nantan, “Keep showing up!”

See also