12 reflections on 1 year with F3 Carpex

Several Pax have asked what I’ve learned over this past year, and several more have asked how much weight I’ve lost. YHC thought a blog post was in order, and considered alternatively entitling this, How to become a HIM of the month before your first-year anniversary, but we all know that’s just a teacher’s pet game, sooo…

(Just kidding, it was actually a very pleasant surprise & honor. Besides, we know that can’t be true because Suck UP hasn’t been named HOTM yet. Also, for those wondering, it doesn’t guarantee you a spot in the Carpex calendar because the competition for that is too fierce.)

In case you haven’t been able to tell from the first paragraph, this blog will be heavy on youthful nostalgia and trivial musings, so you may want to stop now, gentle reader.

Do’s, don’t’s, lessons learned or reinforced, and other thoughts

  1. Listen to your body and take preventative measures such as improving the mix of running, stretching, strength, and rest days in your routines.
  2. Conversely, don’t listen to your body and push through pain that onsets in the first couple miles of a run but you’re not previously injured, didn’t trip, or anything like that…it’s probably mental catastrophizing.
  3. Don’t get new pants or belts; you’ll fit back into your old ones soon enough!
  4. The variety, intensity, and persistence of the group can take up a lot of your time, so learn to say “no” to some things so that you can say “yes” to more of what helps you grow and serve others.
  5. Don’t say you’re not a runner. F3 math makes it very possible to skip a half Mary or marathon altogether and go straight to a 50k+ ultra. You’ve been warned.
  6. Q’ing is a great way to control your workout experience, to build trust within the group, and as often as not, to practice humility.
  7. Go to coffee or stay to chat at least 5 minutes before or after.
  8. Ask people for almost anything…tons of advice, experience, skills, and stuff. Who knows? It might lead to a new house, fixed piano music rack, or free dresser.
  9. If you come across some nuggests of wisdom, save it in the Carpex recommendations doc.
  10. You will have more buddies and resources than almost any other guy you know who’s not already in this group…so talk it up and invite people to share in with you.
  11. God answers prayers, often through the people around you.
  12. If you can read this, you can write a backblast!

Lion’s Den, November 17, 2021

You didn’t think I’d forget about the whole point of a backblast, now, did you? Here’s what went down.


  • Mosey to the backlot
  • Good mornings with a reach up, x5
  • Imperial walkers, x12
  • TIE fighters forwards, x12 IC
  • Seal clap, x12 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub, x12 IC
  • Overhead clap, x12 IC
  • TIE fighters reverse, x12 IC
  • Plank hold
  • Calf stretch
  • Runner’s stretch
  • Partner up and grab one rock per group, should be fairly heavy.

Thang 1, AMRAP Rock Suicides

Mosey towards the first pickle in main lot.

Set 1:

  • Partner 1: Curls AMRAP, tricep extensions AMRAP, can switch if need-be
  • Partner 2: Suicides to first, second, and third pickle. At each pickle, stop and do a burpee.
  • Switch

Set 2:

  • Partner 1: Rock merkins AMRAP, benchpresses AMRAP, can switch if need-be
  • Partner 2: Suicides to first, second, and third pickle. At each pickle, stop and do a star jump.
  • Switch

Set 3:

  • Partner 1: Ruh-roh’s AMRAP, overhead presses AMRAP, can switch if need-be
  • Partner 2: Suicides to first, second, and third pickle. Run forwards, when coming back, run backwards.
  • Switch

Thang 2, Stairway Isometric Holds

Mosey to the stairs.

Set 1:

  • Partner 1: Balls to wall
  • Partner 2: With rock overhead, go up and down the stairs
  • Switch

Set 2:

  • Partner 1: Chillcut
  • Partner 2: With rock, Paula Abdul up and down the stairs
  • Switch

Set 3:

  • Partner 1: Boat or Giant cockroach hold pose
  • Partner 2: With rock, one-two step and on the third step, squat up and down the stairs
  • Switch

Thang 3

Far side of the starting lots, and sprint back to the flag.


  • H2M, single leg, OMU, x20 each side
  • V situps, x12
  • Chilcutt, 45s


  • We went through this routine quicker than YHC thought…I had anticipated cutting the suicides or stairways short 1, but some teams even got in an extra lap (looking at you, Imp & Cataracts!)
  • YHC had hoped this type of workout would encourage mumblechatter, and it certainly did…although I missed most of it because #Qdrenaline…I also had a tough partner pushing me, I-beam.
  • Woke up the next day and thought I slept on my arm wrong, but actually I think it was just all the rockwork…I hope you all are equally sorer but stronger.

And just for reading this far…

Here is a TikTok video of a duck who gets it.


See also