12 PAX for a MARSOC Challenge

QIC: Kyrie

SWW 29 Dec 2017

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” T Claps to you 12 HIM’s that posted this morning. This morning was tough, freakin’ cold, and certainly not comfortable. You bettered yourself today, and the sun hadn’t even come up yet. How many of your peers can say that? Highly motivated.

YHC has been bitten by the Q bug since VQing FWD a few days prior. He saw that SWW was in need of a Q this week, so he took the initiative. Wait, @texasrangercarpex literally signed up right before YHC! Q Swap? Thx…


0545 Step off for the warm up.


Warm-up: Jog around the parking lot x2. Throughout the jog we’ve got high knees, butt kicks, karaoke, open/close the gate. The usual. Jog to the field behind the picnic area while bench press/shoulder press.

PAX are instructed to circle up, making sure their neighbors are someone they like. We will be here for a while.


Unknowing to most of the PAX, YHC has been chasing @largemouth around all week at different AO’s. It’s a limited run day. Sorry not sorry. First Thang is the MARSOC Short Card.

1. 15 Merkins IC

2. 30 Air squats OMD 3. 15 LBC’s IC 4. 10 Burpees OYO 5. 10 Windmills IC 6. 15 Merkins IC 7. 15 Mountain climbers IC 8. 30 Flutter kicks IC 9. 10 Burpees OYO 10. 10 Cotton pickers IC 11. 15 Merkins IC 12. 20 SSH IC 13. 30 Supermans ONU 14. 10 Burpees OYO 15. 10 Chain breakers IC (holy toledo feel the burn) 16. 15 Merkins IC 17. 30 Lunges OYO 18. 30 Flutter kicks IC 19. 10 Burpees OYO 20. 10 Trunk twists IC

Mosey run back to the flag.


Bear Crawl from the flag to the yellow poles. Crawl bear to the baseball logo. If everyone’s shoulders weren’t on fire anyways.

Jog over to the playground. Al gore hold.

At the playground 3 rounds:

  1. Three PAX at a time, max set of pullups. Bang your head on the jungle gym. Rest of PAX flutter kick AMRAP. Once first three have maxed, next three go. Repeat until all 12 have maxed their pull ups.
  2. Same pullups scheme, except the PAX forearm plank hold.
  3. Same pullups scheme, now the PAX perform AMRAP v-ups.

Jog over to the greenway entry. Q realizes hes about 7 minutes early. Indian run to the baseball field and return to the AO for Mary.

Mary: 20 american hammers, 15 homers to marge, have a nice day.

COT: Count-o-rama (FYI this goes around the circle to the left), name-o-rama. Announcements: Convergence at A-Team 1/1/18 0700. HUGE S/O to @shankcarpex for cancelling his lifetime fitness membership because of @f3carpex. YHC took us out.

NMS: – WELCOME two new FNG’s MC and Cousin Eddie. They run with @oofta so obviously amazing dudes.

– WELCOME out of town NanTan HOTWIRE from Charleston, SC. Watch out for this guy… I heard him go “yessssss” under his breath at a call for burpees. Can you really trust him? – Q learned that he is pretty bad at counting a cadence and F3 structure. S/O to @termpapercarpex for keeping me on track.

Great work boys. It was an honor to Q.

See also