12 Guys Just Doing Some Work

For weeks - WEEKS! - I’ve been trying to get these East Caryites to do some EC pull-ups. The response? “We only run over here in East Cary, Ma Bell. Take your pull-ups and shove it.” I might be paraphrasing, but the result was the same nonetheless: no ECPs at FWD. Fast forward to Sunday. Headed back from the lake, I’m checking out the Q sheet when I notice a blank at FWD. I immediately jump on it….cause we gon’ do some pull-ups at FWD, b*tches!

No pre-blasting, branding, advertising, or begging. Just a name on a sheet. 12 men brought their luncpails and came to work. And work we did.




Jog up to second parking lot, weaving in and out of the curious concrete spheres along the way. Did you know they get closer together as you approach the far end? Very curious indeed. Anyway, circle up for

  • Merkins (of course)
  • Plank Jacks
  • SSH
  • Sloooooow Good Mornings
  • 10 up and over burpees on curious concrete spheres

The Thang

Follow me on the trail to the bridge, stopping at the trail intersection for 15 Merkins and a backwards run up to the bridge. Stop midway across the bridge for 10 Monkey Humpers. No honks. To the far end of the bridge for 11s - Pull-ups at the top, down the hill for Turkish Get-ups. We got about 3/4 of the way through when YHC called an audible: everyone down to the bottom of the hill and partner up. Partner-carry back up to the bridge, flap-jacking 1/2 way up then bear crawl from the far end of the bridge to the peak of the bridge and squat hold for the 6.

Jog it back to the flag, stopping at the trail intersection for 15 more Merkins and 5 more up-and-over burpees at the curious concrete spheres. Past the flag for a few minutes of Mary, then:


  • Count-a-rama: 12
  • Name-a-rama: 2 RESPECTS, 10 mehs
  • Announcements/Prayers
  • BOM: YHC took us out


It was great to meet some new PAX and catch up with some that I haven’t seen in a while

With 4+ workouts a day, vary your routine and try 1 or 2 a week that are not part of your regular rotation. Each AO is unique and has much to offer

It was my honor to lead and hang around with some of my favorite people!

See also