12 Days of Christmas - FMJ

  • When: Dec 18th, 2018
  • QIC: EarharT
  • The PAX: GTL, Imp, Parker, Wonderbread, Callahan, Old Maid, Largemouth, Chanticleer, Shank, Khakis, Rooney, Sub, YHC: EarharT Rolling Stone:  Bartman, WWW, Freebird, McCants, Katniss

A crisp morning greeting 18 HIM for the next round of holiday cheer and of course a beatdown.  5 HIM peeled off for Rolling Stone while the rest of us headed up and down the street.  Where is Camp Gladiator?  Head to the front parking lot and circle up forr:

Warm Up

Good mornings

Side Straddle Hops

Cotton Pickers

The Thang

Done with the warm-up, head around to the other side of the pickle for the first Thang, the 12 days of Christmas.  We did each of the following exercises with a lap around the pickle between each:

1 Burpee (Partridge in a Pear Tree)

2 Bird Dogs left-right 1 (Turtle Dove aka Mourning)

3 Flutter Kicks in cadence (French Hens)

4 Bird Squats (Calling Birds)

5 Pamela Andersons in cadence (Gold Rings)

6 Monkey Humpers (Geese a-laying)

7 Aquamans left-right 1 (Swans a-swimming)

8 Claymore Squats (Maids a-milking)

9 Hillbillies left-right 1 (Ladies Dancing)

10 Starjumps (Lords a-leaping)

11 Pickle Pounders (Pipers Piping)

12 Hand-release Merkins (Drummers Drumming)

FMJ has some HIM the post regularly and we were done with 12 days in 20 minutes!  Nice work PAX!  Time for Thang 2

Head over to our favorite ant-infested hill for some 7s, this time with prisoner squats at the top and ascending burpees at the bottom (because of the flack I got from the 1 burpee above).

Again, HIM finish in record time and all together so, with time to spare we head to the playground for three rounds of pullups, dips, irkins and one round of dirkins for EC.

Finally time to head to the flag and circle up for:


PAX-called Mary included hammers, LBCs, flutter kicks, dying cockroaches, chill-cut spiderman merkins, and then for good measure merkins.  What doesn’t scream Mary but merkins says only one person, Ma Bell. Halfway through we are joined by the rolling stone HIM, who had wandered around for 3 miles with heavy stuff on their backs.


Count-a-rama:  13 PAX for FMJ, 5 PAX for Rolling Stone


  • New Years Day Convergence at FOD
  • Lot’s of giving for the holidays, look on 3rd F channel on Slack

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also