12 Days of Christmas Already?

Got to the park with 15 mins. to go and already had a couple people there. I chatted with Yoga Mat but headed off to see how far my warm up lap was.  About 0.6 miles which would work nicely.

Warm up

Up the hill and around the parking lot to Chanticleer’s for Plank hold, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Good Mornings and 10 Donkey Kicks.

Then we jogged back to the park. Who was late again? Did we get them?

The Thang

We jogged over to the circle by the park to do the 12 Days of Christmas.  Is it too early? Maybe. Did my M just do this workout at FiA? Yep. Might as well try to keep up with the ladies.  Plus makes the backblast easier to write.

Each number is your rep. Start at one: all you got across the around the circle. Do number 2, then number 1, and so on.

1****2 Days of Christmas!

1-All You Got (12) 2-Bobby Hurleys (22) 3-Spiderman Merkins (30) 4-Jump Lunges (36) 5-Leg Circles (40) 6-Burpees (42) 7-Overhead Claps (42) 8-Plie Squats (40) 9-Mountain Climbers (36) 10-Star Jumps (30) 11-LBCs (22) 12-Supermans (12)

Next up: Tris and Thighs.  A little rock waterfall of tricep extensions and weighed squats. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1  - I think I got most of them right. It was hard to hear everyone.

Bear Crawl the circle while facing the bathrooms the entire time. This was tough and got a few comments.

Jog to the hill outside the park and then all you got to the stop sign.

Mary: 10 Low slow flutter, 10 Hello Dollys, 15 Heels to Heaven, 25 American hammers, 20 Homer to Marges.

Count-o-rama - 18

Announcements: Christmas party etc. Sign up to Q: https://f3carpex.com/q/

Pray requests: Praise for new babies.

I shared Phillipians 3:8 on how it reminded me of everything is loss compared to knowing Jesus. Helpful reminder during this time a year.

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ”

YHC took us out in prayer.


  • Glad we were a good back up plan for Blue n Out
  • Sosa was leading the way and knew the order well
  • How do you say Plie again Coxswain?
  • Is 5:30 the new 5:45?
  • Thanks Wonder Bread for picking up the sheets.
  • Yoga Mat mentioned extra credit running. Might have to start the bridge run before hand :)

See also