12 Days of Burpees

Warm-Up (read more about the real warm-up at the bottom)

Hello Kitty leads the men down to the lower parking lot for Side Santa Hops, Cranberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Quick Feet and Curb Erkins.

The Thang

YHC takes over and leads the men through the Disco Kitty version of 12 Days of Christmas.  Here’s the last verse.

On the 12th day of Christmas my Q love gave to me

12 Burpees Burping

11 Pipers Plank Jacking

10 Lords a-Lunging

9 FIA’s Leg Kicks

8 Merkins Merking

7 Swans a Sumo Squatting

6 Cockroaches a-dying

5 Five Wolverines

4 Freddie Mercs

3 American Hammers

2 Turkish Doves

1 And a plank jack in a burpee

Hello Kitty grabs the reins and leads the men up to the community center parking lot, partner up and grab a rock.  P1 moseys across the parking lot and does squats while P2 lunge walks while carrying the rock.  When they meet do 25 partner rock curls and flip-flop.


Back to the flag and Disco leads the men through LBCs, one-legged Homer-to-Marge and low slow flutters before we run out of time.


Count-a-rama: 26 Name-a-rama: 6 RESPECTS, 18 mehs, 2 HATES Prayers / Praises: Prayers for our friends and family who are dealing with various health issues this season, praise for our F3 brothers and the positive effect we’ve had on each other this year BOM: Hello Kitty took us out


You know how much fun it is to post with Hello Kitty?  It’s even more fun to Q with him.  Thanks for the co-Q, brother!

And thanks to all the HIM who came out on the nastiest morning of the year.  We were not expecting such a large crowd.

I’m not sure which was the worst part of the workout, getting our backs and legs completely soaked in barely above freezing puddles during the first Turkish doves or running up that hill in clothes that had absorbed ten pounds of that barely above freezing puddle water.

Except for CK, who showed up in shorts and a t-shirt as always, but shed his shirt before we even got to Day 3.

Despite the weather the PAX were in a jolly mood, singing along with Five Wolverines like a bunch of carolers with bellies full of egg nog, and doing a pretty good Rockettes impression during the FIA leg kicks, which we shall never discuss again.

EC (the real warm-up)

If you were on the internet last week you saw the Twtitter war between F3Carpex and F3Louisville over the proper way to finish a burpee.  The Louisville PAX foolishly believe that a burpee must end with an overhead clap, bless their hearts.  The Carpex PAX understand that it’s not only unnecessary, it’s downright silly.  This disagreement led Shut-in to post a poll, which the Carpex no-clap burpee easily won, obviously.  But somewhere in the back and forth it was decided that regardless of the results, we’d all do a burpee for each person who voted.  I’m sure it sounded like a fun idea at the time, but when the bill came due we owed 151 burpees.

What the heck, we’ll knock them out before Phoenix.

16 absolute STUDS showed up thirty minutes early, on the nastiest morning of the year, as Shut-in led us through 151 burpees.  Who are the toughest/craziest HIM in all of Carpex?  Banjo, Biner, Burt, Chanticleer, CK, Disco Duck, Flacco, Hello Kitty, Hermes, Ma Bell, Ollie, PBX, Shut-in, Tecumseh, Term Paper, Yoga Mat.

What a brutal, uncomfortable, painful, exhausting morning.  I am honored to be a part of it and to help lead you through it.  You guys continue to inspire me.

See also