100' from the pool and still drenched

The NC summer is officially here. How does one know? When you’re driving to an AO at 4:43 AM and your wipers are going but it’s not actually raining… it’s humid. And hot. And it was both of those today.

[Editor’s note: as I was working on this BB, YHC noted that Cauliflower posted an eerily similar BB at the same time. You can read his masterpiece here: https://f3carpex.com/2020/06/10/summer-in-nc-almost/]


Called an EC run. Luckily noone took me up on it since YHC requested a 4:50AM start but, due to bodily function delays, arrived closer to 4:56. That was a bit late to attempt the full 3.7 mile, HDD+ loop I had in mind so… it’s cheat time! Drove to the HT parking lot and shaved ~1.2 miles. Sure, I had to go get it later but Hey! … Mafia points!

Aside: DtP is a cool spot. Don’t get me wrong… I love me a park AO. In fact, every time I post Metro or The Fort, I feel bad for those dudes. Chick-fil-A parking lots are just not the same thing as Danger Zone. But an urban setting every now and then ain’t too bad.


Mosey - carefully, looking both ways across the street - to the parking lot behind Scratch. Circle Oval up for: 25x IC SSH, 15x IC IW, 10x IC Cherry Pickers, 7-ish IC Abe Vigoda

Find a curb for Dominoes. hold Plank, Left Arm Up while the PAX do 3x merkins starting with Sooey. Regular Plank after “Done”. 5x IC Michael Phelps to recover. Flop-flip torpedo with the Right Arm Up.

Mosey down to Carey Jones Park & Swimming hole. YHC’s kids swam here a few times and I remember the hill well.


Split the PAX into 4 groups of 4 each. Each PAX takes turns doing one of 4 exercises. When the runner gets back, 5 burpees as a group before rotating through:

Round 1: run / bear crawl up & down the hill / AMRAP Merkins / AMRAP LBC

Round 2: run / BTTW / AMRAP CDDs / AMRAP H2M

Round 3: run / Peep’s Chair / AMRAP Supermen / AMRAP Flutter Kicks

Got a little bit of time for a quick round of 7x compass merkins on that super steep incline.

Mosey back to the flag


Not much time left after all. Place your kiester on the bricks for Beach Body by Pierogi: 25x IC LBC, 20x left-side obliques, 20x IC L/R Heel Touches, 20x right side obliques.

Finished perfectly on time if you like your beatdowns to last 47 minutes.

Shut-in was not amused.


Countarama: started with 16; ended with 16; somehow got slack-blasted with 18

Announcements: none really. Woke Zone?

Prayers: all our guys on IR


  • GPS failed me on the HDD+ run. Didn’t pick up until several minutes into the run while I was in the middle of HDD. Bummer.
  • It was moist. Very very moist.
  • Logged 1 Geocache near my car on the way back.
  • Good to see the POGLers this morning. Solid group, great mumble. Especially Crimson who clearly wanted to wake the dead in the cemetery next door to the pool.

See also