10 Yards of Football

The troops gathered late at Slippery when wet – but gather quickly they did.  We had a visitor from the Mother ship today – Cheese Turd (or perhaps it was Curd) who made the mistake of following Nature Boy into the park after seeing the F3 sticker on his car – I think it in involved three U-Turns before the got to the right place.  Once we were together, we circled around the parking lot and then into the back grass field for some warm up.  The boys must be getting soft as there were several complaints about the light dew on the grass.  Some didn’t want to get their feet wet (probably same group that didn’t post on Tuesday in the rain).

Warm up

15 – GM 15 - HB, 15 – Merkins 10 – Hacky Sack (Middler joined us most of the way through the warm up.  We reminded the young un of our start time of 0545).  After warm up, mosey over to the Pavilion to begin 10 yards of FOOTBALL.

But first – we had to rearrange a few picnic tables (Hotspot would have been proud).  My favorite line here was from Hermes – “25 guys here – and we have one guy trying to move a picnic table by himself.”

This game is similar to one you may have heard before – to the tune of The twelve days of Christmas,

On the first yard of football, my true love gave to me.

1 Loop around

2 Dirkins, 1 loop

3 LBCs, 2 Dirkins, 1 loop – etc. etc.

4 Squats

5 Golden Merkins

6 Alternating L/R step ups (each leg)

7 Dips

8 Irkins

9 Star jumps

10 Burpees

When you read that did you see the (each leg) on step 6?  Apparently neither did some of our stallions – again props to Airbag and Hermes – they read the directions – and quickly figured out why some other boys were moving ahead.  Each leg means Each leg.  You are only cheating yourself.

Oh well, for the early finishers, YHC assigned more ALRSUs – AMRAP.  Once most were done, the group joined in with the six to finish his last round of the 10 yards.

Once the group reassembled, we did some remedial ALRSUs until the group could stay in cadence – it took 26 reps.  Then over to the back parking lot to paint the lines.  After a coat of primer and two coats of paint, we ran over to the bathroom for a quick set of Peoples Chair and BTTW.  Finally, it was time for Mary as follows

26 – WW2s, 15 – Freddy Mercs, 1 boat canoe 26 – LBCs, Have a nice day

See also