10 old-ish HIDAs & The Kid

37 degrees and sideways rain.  Sounds like a great day for a Flying Circus splashdown.  To add intrigue, YHC teased a mystery guest co-Q on the Slackosphere the day prior.  Just at the right moment, Earhart delivers Ninjago to the site of today’s beatdown.


First exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then, circle up and turn it over to Ninjago for some Hillbillies, Good mornings, and get this…Ninjago calls warm up Merkins.  We’re off to a great start.


  1.  The Track: After a mosey to the aforementioned oval-shaped pavement, partner up for 2 laps of Catch Me If You Can.  First lap, we do 5 burpees.  Second lap, Ninjago makes yet another great call - 5 of the World’s Worst Merkins.  Mosey back to the steps…
  2. The Steps: 11s are too easy, like they were created for Camp Gladiator.  We do 22s, with Monkey Humpers at the bottom and CDDs at the top.  PAX are very happy that we get to touch the wet pavement so often.  With time on the clock, improvise with 7s, Steve Earles at the bottom and Peter Parker Merkins at the top.  Mosey to the basketball court…
  3. The Court: Find your partner from #1, two rounds of bear crawling the court while your partner does BTTW.  No, our hands are not cold.  Yes, I can feel my feet.  Once completed, circle up at center court for a round of PAX choice 10-count planks.


Circle up and turn it back over to Ninjago, who proceeds to immediately call LBCs and Boat/Canoe.  This kid gets it!  We still have time for the cherry on top, 5 burpees OYO.


  • 2 Respects, 2 Hates, 7 Mehs
  • November 17th Triple, er, Quad-down
  • Carpex Christmas party December 13th at Fortnight
  • Prayers: Crimson’s continued recovery
  • YHC took us out


  • Word of the day: Moist
  • Pivot has a haircut appointment today
  • Pivot’s haircut appointments are very important (to him)
  • Biner DID NOT smile, but does have a very nice raincoat that may or may not contain GoreTex
  • Hotty’s knit cap is stylish AND functional
  • Trike was saying something during the 22s, and I’m not sure he even knows what he said.  Delirious?
  • YHC might as well have taken a dip in the lake.

Thank you for giving me a chance to lead this morning.  Young men like Ninjago are very important to our future, and sometimes we need to take a little step back so they can take a small step forward to lead.  Make it a great day for yourself and at least one other person today!

See also