10 Minutes of what???


“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T.S. Eliot

Once again waking up before the alarm clock but with a little bit of nervous excitement as YHC headed out into the gloom to complete his Virgin Q. Whatever happened today the knowledge gained through the morning would bring changes and growth before returning home, YHC would be a different PAX.


Mosey over to the middle parking lot for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins and some Good Mornings because we all want to have a good day. Some very helpful PAX helped YHC work on when to use “Recover” and some cadence issues on Good Morning but we pushed through.

Thang 1

A little more Mosey action delivered us to the US map hidden at Flying Circus for a new gift YHC brought back from posting in Richmond called “10 Minutes of Burpees”. It involved doing 6-10 burpees each minute for 10 minutes.  Each PAX could choose how many they would do but the first round is a little nicer then the last.  As an extra bonus the final round is always 10.  There was some mumbling about the number of burpees done the previous day at 1776 but all the PAX put that aside and crushed the exercise and thankfully did not crush YHC.

Thang 2

After a brief 10 count we got back on our horses and did some more moseying to the turf field for another treat. Lining up on an end-line of the soccer field we ran 20 yards to the first set of cones and did 10 merkins and repeated that at the 40, 60 and 80 mark with a finishing run to the other end line. Just like dessert, if you can have one why not two so we repeated that process back to the starting point. Now we decided to repeat it once more but this time we did LBCs at the cones.

What happened next was one of the things that makes F3 so special. We had a few 6 to pick up and everyone that was done, and I do mean everyone, ran back to pick them up and did EC LBCs with them. It was awesome and something that nits us together men. We LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND but we also LEAVE NO MAN WHERE HE IS!

Thang 3 We formed up two lines and did a generous helping of an Indian Run down to the rock pile. Once there we each grabbed an ego rock and went to town like the Rat Pack in Vegas doing 10 reps each of curls, overhead press, tricep extensions and rock rows. To break things up between the two sets, we did 10 more LBCs and 10 Shoulder Taps.

We returned our rocks to the proper setting and because some PAX mumbled about the two line Indian Run had too many people in each line, we split to 4 lines and did the Indian Run again back to the Basketball Court for some Mary.


With time running low we kept Mary short. Hi-Liter gave us a 10 count of Star Crunches which brought us promptly to Have a Nice Day.

COT Count-a-rama: 27 Name-a-rama: 2 RESPECT, 20 meh, 5 HATEs Prayers/Praises: Praises from Chinese Downhill for connecting him with YHC. We never would have picked the connecting point but are so blessed to walk this road together. Love you brother. BOM: YHC took us out


Recently YHC was doing some physical goal setting and wanted to know the date F3 got a hold of my life. We each have a different story how we came to F3 but like others in Carpex, Chinese Downhill was putting the EH on me. To find the date (March 15th if your curious) I knew I could look back and see the text messages we shared and it was littered with excuse after excuse from YHC - the weather, too tired, and flat out just not wanting to go but thankfully CD did not quit, he stuck with it and man am I thankful he did.

As CD shared this morning at COT we are on the same difficult road of having lost our sons to suicide. It is hard to even type those words and in some ways to even believe they are true looking at them on the screen, but true they are. We will not completely know why Hunter or Gibson chose to do what they did but we are so thankful they knew Jesus personally and we will see them again. Just like we do not know the pain they were dealing with, YHC knows some of you may be hurting in your own way and think you are alone. It is a lie. You are not alone! Look around the circle in the gloom each day and know those men are ready to stand with you and to help you carry the load. We all come to and keep coming to F3 for many reasons but this is one of the key reasons it works. Trust me, I speak from experience with the men who have come into my life because of F3.

I would need a few more B.B. to list all that F3 is doing in my life (guess YHC will have to keep signing up to Q) but in summary, God is using each of you men and F3 to strengthen me and to change the course of my life and cannot wait to see where it leads. If you want to tap into this part of F3, know it is ready and waiting. SYITG

PS - Shout out to Badlands for wearing the Liverpool shirt to my VQ!!