10-counts for dayz

Disclaimer, even with no FNGs.  Better safe than sorry.  Ready to go at 5:44:45, but…waited for official start.


Run ¼ mile to softball field lot (backwards run, karaoke right, regular, karaoke right(left), regular, karaoke right, backwards run, regular, curb slalom to loosen up the hips)

Circle up near the playground for GM x 10

SSH x 36


Split up 1s and 2s.  1s go do 10 pullups at the playground OYO, 2s LBCs.  Flapjack.  All back, on our six for some American Hammers.

Run ¼ mile down powerline hill, at the bottom plank hold, then 25 standard merkins OMD.

10 hacky sacks in honor of Hotspot

Run ¼ mile to the wide spot on the path for a squat hold then 25 ranger merkins OMD

Indian Run 1s and 2s ¼ mile to the floating dock for 25 wide arm merkins OM slow Down, then sumo squats in-cadence to get the dock a rockin

Fellowship pace back to the grassy knoll for some WWIIs, followed by, some more WWIIs (explains the grass I saw in the shower)

To the pickle for a lap, then some plank hold work (you’ll thank me for those crossovers later).  Then some six inch hold, two inch hold, six inch hold…wait, these are like merkins, but lower.  We dubbed it the Burtkin.

Back on the move, to the shelter for a round of ALRSUs, Derkins IC, Dips IC, and Irkins IC.

Off we go again, with a detour down the path, for bridge bearcrawls x 2 and then- what’s this?  Notorious’ pull-up bars in all their glory!  We’ll see those next week with Disco Duck.  So we saluted them with some jump squats.

On the move again, to the nature path, where we found all the poison ivy so decided to just lie down in it for 25 diamond merkins OMD.

Finish up the running portion in the baseball lot circled up for some quick mary.  Distance covered: 2.01 miles.  Looking out for a recovering Michelob post half-marathon (who then went on to run 4 miles afterwards…)


LBC as the pax arrive (thanks Ma Bell), Freddy Mercury, Shakira left to J-Lo to Shakira right, then Have a Nice Day as time expires.


Crazy Train Saturday June 9th.  Leave from BO at 0745 for a quick mosey to the train station.  Hitch the 0808 to DTR, then return.  See the preblast here:  https://f3carpex.com/2018/05/24/crazy-train-pre-blast/

June 20th Post SNS, stick around for some 2nd F, and some 3rd F too.

Praise for Disco Duck’s fast 2-miler EC, and his nudge to get YHC to show up a little early to join him.

Praise for Michelob’s blazing fast half-marathon yesterday, in the blazing heat, on the blazing hilly course in DTR.  Home turf for him, being a Raleigh guy.

Prayers for Theismann’s friends Ashley and Nina, experiencing the pain of divorce.  Prayers for Disco Duck’s mother’s friend Betty, dealing with complications from diabetes.  Prayers for Hasslehoff’s grandmother, experiencing difficulties with aging.  Prayers also for his family, who is taking her in to care for her.  And prayers for Hotspot and his family with his upcoming travels.  And for Jeremy too.

YHC took us out.


So, 36 SSH had the pax wondering “is it his birthday, are we going to 50, are we going to 100?”  36.  Months of F3.  Just be glad I didn’t choose 36 Merkins all day.

A lot of 15 counts too, as in 2015 when I started F3.

Many 10 counts, because, well, Old Maid needs the rest.

Was going for the merkin mile, but decided against it.  I mean, who loves merkins all the time?  Oh, wait…so we did the half merkin mile, which sounds like a half-marathon, which is what Michelob just aced so, yeah, that was the plan the whole time.

During our prerun EC (2.0 miles, good route, T-Claps on the pace DD!), Disco Duck and I tried out some new settings on my Garmin® VivoActive watch that alerted me at every 0.25 miles.  So, during the main event, every 0.25 miles we were stopping and doing something.  Nice tool!  The watch, not Disco Duck.  Of course, we learned at coffeeteria/marriage workshop, that we are indeed just a bunch of tools.

Some self-reflection yesterday, as I spectated at the IronMan 70.3 Raleigh triathlon.  I fancied myself a triathlete for many years, but hung up my wetsuit several years ago.  My last triathlon was the same race in 2014 ( race report: https://beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=517448).

I had my best triathlon as my last.  It was my 21st triathlon, and at the time, the 54th race I had run.  It was my 5th HalfIronMan (or more) distance race.  I had good support at the time from some friends that also participated in triathlon, but it was sporadic and casual, and usually limited to a ride together (as I was more of a solo swimmer and runner).  When I quit triathlon, I didn’t realize what a void it would leave, but also what a time commitment it had been in my life.  While I did miss the thrill of toeing the line on race day, I did not miss the burden it placed on my family, being gone for hours on Saturday and Sunday mornings for long rides and runs.  With F3, I can get in a workout, and usually be home in time to see my oldest 2.0 before he leaves for school, can have a cup of coffee with the M, and am more present.  Granted, I do go to sleep pretty early these days…  The biggest gain is the brotherhood we have to all be accountable and present, and good examples for our 2.0s and our peers.  And to “love on” (as CD will say) our Ms and each other.  For that, I am thankful to you all.

Saving the best for last.  Big thanks to Hotspot for EHing me way back on June 15, 2015 to post at A-team the first time.  Without his gentle nudging (can he still nudge gently?), you wouldn’t have my crazy arse to wander around with.

Here’s what I wrote in Strava at the time, to record my first ever F3 workout (Forgive me, but F3 isn’t an option for workout type):

Bill Bass (F3 Old Maid) – Crossfit

5:45 AM on Monday, June 15, 2015

A-Team F3

F3 with Jeremy and Tony.  Ended up running 3 miles during all the workouts!



Just keep moving forward.  Old Maid out.

See also