10/5/18, The Liuzzo Scale of Magnitude of Vanillaness

5 for 7800° EC 3 mile run around the glorious Symphony Lake. 22 were there for the start of the standard issue vanilla boot camp, one could not handle the pressure and had to leave early. After the Pledge of Allegiance, we jogged to the parking deck for a standard Shut-In warmup followed by 70 LBCs in Cadence.  Then went down the stairs and got in position for BTTW 5 count down the line and back, then we did some more LBCs, then we partnered up for Dora 1,2,3 with 100 Merkins, 200 calf raises and 300 LBCs.  Then we did the BTTW thing again and some LBCs. Then we ran back to the park to do the BTTW thing and some more LBCs again.  Then we did 10 burpees oyo then have a nice day.  We sprinkled in some planking, squat holding and people’s chair throughout and J-lo even made an appearance. 9+ Bob were there for coffee with Oofta after the workout.

Our senior leadership has established a rating system for magnitude of vanillaness, it has been named the Liuzzo Scale of Vanillaness.  This morning we achieved a 4 Vanilla Cone rating on this scale.  I assume this scale is exponential.  I have no idea how a workout can be rated based on a tropical climbing epiphytic orchid, but that is why I rely on the wisdom of our senior leadership.

Announcements: Picnic next weekend, triple down this Saturday morning at Whiplash, the Odyssey and some new AOs. YHC took us out with a couple of praises and prayer requests. NMS: Thank you for your leadership in my life men!

See also