10-20-30-40 + Rocks

It was a beautiful morning.  47 degrees, a bit damp…a good day for F3.  I just returned from NYC and was slightly unprepared… though it didn’t stop me.  23 PAX were waiting for me with my on-time arrival with a minute to spare.  Banjo was not so lucky…yes, you guessed it, penalty burpies for Banjo’s “not-so” on-time arrival.


The Start

The Pledge

We then jogged (plus side shuffles) up to DDMS in anticipation to find the rock pile along Davis Dr.  Not so (the first of not being prepared).  No worries, expert F3’ers assisted me finding the rock pile while others mumbled.  Pick out our ego rocks and headed to the parking lot for a quick warmup.

The Warmup

  • 10 Good Mornings
  • 10 Seal Claps
  • 10 Windmills
  • 5 Wolverines OYO
  • 5 Burpies
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 Plank Jacks
  • 20 Mountain Climbers

Thang 1

  • With ego rock, lunge to first nub in pickle,  drop rock, 10 Burpies, run the pickle
  • With ego rock overhead, walk to top of pickle,  drop rock, 10 Burpies, 20 Merkins, run the pickle
  • With ego rock, lunge to next nub in pickle,  drop rock, 10 Burpies, 20 Merkins, 30 Plank Jacks, run the pickle
  • With ego rock overhead, walk to bottom of pickle,  drop rock, 10 Burpies, 20 Merkins, 30 Plank Jacks, 40 mountain Climbers, run the pickle
  • Squat hold for the six

Thang 2

though shortened due to learning I cant relocate rocks…

  • Went to light pole, 10 curls with ego rock
  • With rock, ran two poles down, 10 squats
  • With rock, ran back to rock pile, 10 triceps, drop rock back in pile
  • LBCs while waiting for the six

The Close

  • Ran back to flag
  • Freddy Mercurys while waiting for the six
  • Grabbed a curb and did 21 (I forgot to change tone of cadence at 20) LBT (Little Bitty Triceps)
  • Have a nice day

Notes for the new PAX (Thanks Franklin)

  • In cadence, not on my cadence
  • Exercise, not begin

All said, a good workout after a nice Thanksgiving break!

24 PAX

  • 18 HIMs (FNG - Lawn Dart - welcome!)
  • 2 Hates
  • 4 Respect


  • South Wake CSAUP - Dec 15, 6-10am, Wombolt Park - see slack channel
  • Christmas Party - Dec 13, Fortnight, 6pm - M invited, not 2.0s.
  • F3 JoCo - Clown car leaves 5:45a from Food Lion (near Claymore)
  • Operation Sweet-tooth - Badlands to get info

Remember to lift up our brothers in prayer, both spoken and unspoken.

See also