1 Year of F3 Bliss

Rewind to 1 year back.  YHC was a newish dad who had recently moved to Apex.  Suddenly, my life looked very different than all that I had known.  I found myself pouring so much into my family and our new home that I left little for my own personal growth and development.  My physical fitness was suffering, my emotional health was suffering; and without a happy me, my family was suffering.  I was a newly inducted member of the sad clown community. Enter F3.  While on a family vacation, my older brother Jordache(Hickory) was waking up much earlier than a normal person should to work out with some men that he had never met.  I thought he was crazy, didn’t he know the joy of fartsacking? (Of course I was unaware of this term then)  After a week of observing his dedication to this group called F3 and noticing physical and emotional improvements in his health, I decided I would return home and give it a try.  I am glad I did. From day 1 I’ve found a group of men who care about one another.  Men who want to see their brother succeed in the things that matter.  In a self-serving world where we are trained to recognize another man’s weakness and use it to our benefit, the bond between men that is found at F3 is a breath of fresh air.  When a 31 year old me couldn’t keep up with my RESPECT partner on that first round of catch me if you can, he didn’t belittle me.  He shouted encouragements and modified his route to allow me time to catch him (shout out to Termpaper). I knew early on that I could trust these guys.  What followed was a year of me becoming a better version of myself.  A man who has taken the time for himself that he needs most mornings. Before the demands of work and family come calling I have already connected with my brothers, pushed myself to become stronger, and prayed to the God who gives me strength to live each day as a man of integrity.  I’ve seen my F3 brothers rally around my family with the birth of our 2nd child, to bring us meals and encourage us.  I’ve seen men support me financially and prayerfully for my trip to India, and then give again to benefit the needy children who I met while in India.  Most importantly, I’ve seen the teachings of Jesus lived out through the Carpex men, and that pushes me to want to live those teachings out as well.  So a big thanks to all of the men of Carpex for the men that you are and the impact you’ve had on my life.  I truly value your brotherhood and leadership! I know, I know this is supposed to be a backblast so enough with the sentiment and lets get to the workout.  Well like any 1 year anniversary, YHC wanted to treat you fellas to a nice date to include dinner and a show.  Here’s what happened.

Warm-up 2 minute jog followed by -SSH IC x 25 -Cotton Picker IC x 15 -Hillbilly IC x 25 -Standard merkin x 20 -Slow merkin IC x 5

Thang 1 (Dinner)

Double file Indian run to the upper picnic shelter. Find groups of 3

Round 1: Partner 1- Run the road loop Partner 2- Derkins Partner 3- Dying Cockroaches Flapjack x 2

Round 2: Partner 1- Run the road loop Partner 2- Erkins Partner 3- WW2 sit-ups

At some point during the erkins, McCants suggested that there were enough picnic tables for all to do some picnic table deadlifts (apparently created by Angry Elf, you get the credit).  Sounds good to me, lets do 20 of them.

Thang 2 (Show) Slow mosey through the woods in the dark to the amphitheater. Thanks to Burt for leading the way as YHC quickly realized that he didn’t know the exact way to the amphitheater.

Round 1: Partner 1- Bear Crawl up the middle aisle and run down the outer aisle Partner 2- Dips Partner 3- Balls to the wall

Round 2: Partner 1- Lunge walk up the middle aisle and run down the outer aisle Partner 2- 1 leg dips Partner 3- Australian mountain climbers

10 burpees OYO

YHC called for the indian run back to the shovel flag but this quickly fell apart.  Oh well, audible when necessary.  Backwards run up the kiosk hill and meet up at the stop sign.  Billy run back to the shovel flag.

Mary - Freddie Mercury IC x 25 - American Hammers IC x 15 - Boat/canoe until YHC couldn’t do it anymore -LBC x 25 -And finally, if all was done right on the anniversary date we get to end with a little Homer to Marge x 20 -Have a nice day 1 minute

COT Count-o-rama: 38 Combo of SNS and Vesper Name-o-rama: Several respects and lots of 30’s and 40’s.  No hates. Announcements - Many (see website) Prayers

NMS -Best dressed:  Burt-my man wore khakis through the entire workout. My heart goes out to the dry cleaners who get that pair -The flowers and candles that greeted the pax were a complete fail -YHC arrived extremely early to verify the route from the picnic shelter to the amphitheater, however, while walking the trail YHC saw a fox the size of a medium dog and aborted the recon -Did I mention that Angry Elf deserves the credit for picnic table deadlifts, apparently its his thing -Did anyone else think that the amphitheater wall was going to go at any second?  YHC was dreading how much the Town of Cary was going to charge this Apex resident

Again, I can’t say thank you enough to you guys.  It’s my honor to get to lead you fellas.


See also