1-2-3 Float like a Butterfly Sting like a Bee

Twas Friday evening when I got the Tweet from Hello Kitty inquiring about the next mornings Phoenix Q. To which I replied “looks like the site Q” Without any hesitation he steps up to lend a hand or two. That’s what it’s all about guys. Seeing a need and putting yourself out there. Mississippi had also texted me that he would be back in town after being absent for a month so that was awesome news! Franklin chided me about not being at SNS to run for the past 2 weeks after asking him where the heck he’d been. What goes around comes around but I need it and it will make me think twice before going back to the fart sack after cutting off that morning alarm.  We also had an FNG Morning Show who just happens to be biologically related to WKRP, Side note I wanted to name him Dr Johnny Fever but you can’t win them all. Mr Biggstuff from Rockhill SC was in town and join in on the fun and thrills!

The Warmup:

The Usual Suspects - SSH, Windmills, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers

New Guys - In-place High Knees & But-kickers

Thang #1 - Brought to you by YHC

  • 1 - mileish warm up and converge in the small field by the starting parking lot.
  • Lunge walk the field and do 10x Prisoner Squats IC
  • Bear Walk the field
  • Reverse Lunge Walk the field
  • Crawl Bear the field and do 10x Prisoner Squats IC
  • Gorilla Hop the field
  • Bear Walk the field
  • Carioca the field down and back
  • Low Stance Side Stradle the field down and back

Phase 1 Complete

Thang #2 brought to you by Hello Kitty

  • Mosey to the Community Center Parking Lot
  • Burpee Bull in the Middle? - I will not even try to explain this here. You’ll just have to come to a work out and experience it yourself. Good stuff though.
  • Head on back to the rock pile and grab a rock you can roll with
  • 20x curls 3x burpees
  • 20x tricep extensions 3x burpees
  • 20x shoulder press 3x burpees
  • 20x bent over row 3x burpees
  • Run the loop without the rock and then come back to the rocks and partner up
  • 10x rock twist handoff 3x bropees
  • 10x curl to overhead handoff 3x bropees
  • 10x trunktwist 3x bropees
  • Walk with rocks overhead to center of lot and line up
  • lunge walk with rocks to the middle and do Left/Right Rock Muricans x 10 each
  • Continue the lunge walk to the end and do 10x WWII with rock
  • lunge walk with rocks to the middle and do rock squats x 10 each
  • Continue the lunge walk to the start and do 10x dying cockroach with rock
  • Then do Left/Right Rock Muricans x 10 each.
  • Return Rocks and head over to the Pocket Park/Secret Garden Area
  • On the low wall
  • Dips, Uricans, Duricans,
  • In the grass Mary was called out by the PAX
  • Hi Liter Scissored us
  • Tecumseh LBC’d us
  • Fluoride Hammered us

Was there more? Sound off in the comments

  • Mosey back to the lot for a Billy Run.

Prayer Concerns and Praises were spoken

COT - YHC lead us in prayer

NMS - So it’s been awhile since I’ve written one of these and wouldn’t you know it they went and made it even more complicated. Ha Ha I keed I keed. Anyways much love and respect to all the Pax who show up and bring the intensity to the work outs and for those of us that are struggling just keep with it. They don’t get easier you just get tougher. #ISI #CUITG

See also