0.99 and some Wildlife Rescue

YHC arrived at Sovereign Grace church for a little ECP. No one there, except for me and 3 young raccoons stuck in a dumpster in 6 inches of standing water. First, not sure how anyone within a quarter mile could sleep with those raccoons crying as loud as they were. I put my pullups on hold a bit to investigate, and then the PAX started to arrive. Being that I like to stay on task, we continued to discuss and troubleshoot the situation during the workout. One idea was to put something down into the dumpster so they could climb out. I think they were probably too weak at that point to climb very much. However, this is why teamwork is important. A couple of the PAX came up with a brilliant idea. Just tip over the dumpster. It worked perfectly, except for the fact that it unleashed the WORST SMELL in the history of horrible smells. The good news is, the raccoons were freed. And we all wanted to merlot.

Warm Up

Pledge of allegiance, SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CF Merkins

The Thang

Pick a block, any block. De-escalator:

  • 10 Man-makers, decrease by 2 each round
  • Bear crawl the length of the parking lot
  • 50 LBCs, decrease by 10 each round
  • Lunge walk back to the blocks, but detour for 5 pullups each round
  • Repeato

PAX did coupon curls, swings, chest presses, and rows until the 6 finished


Captain Thor up to 10:40


10 total, 6 Respects

We prayed for those whose lives are turned upside down by the pandemic. YHC took us out.

Nekkid Moleskin

How many of you rescued baby raccoons today, while completing a 45 minute workout covering 0.99 miles and NO RUNNING??? MIAGD!!! Be a little better today, than you were yesterday.

See also