🎶 5 Bu-r-pees... 🎶

The Q for Lion’s Den remained unfufilled and I hadn’t Q’d on the home turf in sometime so I took the opportunity. 10 Pax gathered at the flag with no FNG’s although with the winter gear on some were more distinguishable than others. A quick pledge and we’re off.

Tour of Lights Mosey

I had promised Coxswain a view of my neighbor’s Star Wars Christmas display as a perk to coming to Lion’s Den earlier in the week on Slack, alas he picked up the Q at Point Break so wasn’t with us – I decided to go through with the tour anyhow. A colder morning calls for an extended warm up anyway. Theismann didn’t realize he needed to start his Strava, I still need to go back and tag him so he gets credit.

There was some mumble grumbling about lack of lights on the tour, then I hit them with this:Star Wars Christmas Palooza

Warm Up

  • 40 ssh
  • 30 Imperial Walkers 
  • 20 Sir Fazio ~ 5 Each Front / Back / Big / Small
  • 5 Good Mornigs
  • Calf stretch
  • Runner stretch

Another Short Mosey back to the portico at the side of the church

ME: 12 Days of Christmas

Just like the song this started out with 1 exercise performed one time and built on that each round as follows with a lap around the pickle between each.

  1. Turkish getup
  2. Foxhole - WWI, roll to the side into a Merkin.
  3. Star Jumps
  4. Crab Cakes
  5. Burpees
  6. Reverse Lunges
  7. American Hammers
  8. Merkins
  9. Shoulder taps
  10. Monkey Humpers
  11. Freddy Merc’s
  12. Sumo Squats


  • 15 Nolan Ryans each side
  • 30 LBC
  • 15 heels to heaven 
  • 5 control freak homer to marge

Have a nice Day


  • Oakwood 24 this weekend - get out and F3 Raleigh’s own Jon Frey (@FreyDaddy)
  • Duck Donut Dash - Feb 4th Register by Jan 4th to get a shirt


Disco Ducks M and Family at the loss of his MiL

Kermit’s co-worker who fell off a ladder yesterday - miraculously minimal injuries

Blue and Outs good friend, co-worker, and ED nurse who has COVID and is in the hospital for treatment

YHC took us out.

See also