ша́пка-уша́нка & Suzanne Somers

The morning after the Blizard of 2020 swept through the greater Carpex area, YHC was a bit concerned about making the regularly 22-minute drive to Danger Zone in icy conditions. How long will it take? Will I survive? or worse, will I wreck the last remaining Pontiac Torrent on the road? All of these worries were put to rest when the opening of the garage door revealed non-icy, almost dry roads, and very safe roads.

Dammit, I should have gone for a run

Arrive at the AO with plenty of time to spare, which was good because I had to set up my toys. Coney showed up just in time to be of no assistance. We then spotted Flip Flop walking in the flag and what appeared to be a Main Coon on his head. (look it up, it will change your life.) However, it was just the traditional Russian fur hat called a ша́пка-уша́нка.

We were standing around talking doing SSH to keep warm and I kept thinking we were waiting on others to show up. I happen to look at my watch and saw it was 0546. OH, it looks like it’s just us. Luckily Coney and Flip Flop thought I had started the workout, so in their eyes, I was doing good so far.

We Moseyed to where I had laid out: the battle rope; Kettlebell; Dumbells; Sandbag; Weighted Bar; and the classic Ab Roller (which made Coney keep referencing Suzanne Somers, who peddled the ThighMaster in the ’80s. Not sure why. Apparently that was his crush. “C’mon knock on my door.” - You know what I’m talking about Coney.)

**The Thang
**We did 3 rounds of 1:00 exercises with the toys, followed by several called exercises and a Mosey around the pickle.

What we did was pretty good, but the fellowship and conversation was much better.

Announcements: MayHIM this weekend; The Mule coming up
No prayers/Praises

As always, I am grateful to start my day with these HIM. We are not promised this day, so take advantage of it, no matter what.


See also