Monday at D'wood: Episode 92 of "A Man With No Plan"

Interesting morning, to say the least. We had an FNG who was invited by “Kyle”, but had no idea what Kyle’s last name was. We had a gaggle of SCary PAX, umm, gift us the Ghost Flag? I’m a little lost on the specifics there, but I don’t really care. And evidently, neither does anyone else. Alas, pour Ghost Flag. You had a good run, pal. The PAX circled up at 0530, milling around for another 2 minutes until we started. [Read More]

Vanilla with a side of Beige

17 gathered at Point Break for Day 3 of Carpex Q School. Since Captain Jack covered virtually everything needed yesterday, and with a very similar crowd today, I focused on a little review as well as some explanation of how to plan and execute a very vanilla bootcamp. Shocked to see a solo Beige Bro in attendance (is there a rift brewing?) ¼ mile mosey to a safe place for some warm-up exercises, including SSH, GM, IW and Plankjacks [Read More]

Q School 101 Revisited

Week 1 of Carpex Culture Month is “Q School 101.” A scan of the crowd reveals some Carpex Legends, so I am quick to invite audience assistance. Disclaimer. “This is a free, volunteer, peer-led workout. I am not a professional. I have no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations. It is each person’s responsibility to be safe and modify exercises if you need to. Don’t get hurt.” Mosey to the Pickle. [Read More]

Thou Shalt Not Cadence Count...

Today is my birthday. I turned 55. The rules say I have to Q and we have to do Triple Nickels, presumably because we don’t have Double Nickels so here we are. I do not make the rules. I am bound by precedent. A small brightly lit mob of EC runners joined a comfortable number of PAX who happened to wander in to Slippery When Wet. After a brief introduction and the Pledge of Allegiance we were off… [Read More]

9/3/21 SWW 4 year anniversary

24 total PAX. Pineapple and Chops were not there, even though they clicked the HC button. I assume they know what HC stands for. Half was there. I assume Burt told him he should go. Lookout ran a bunch of miles so we would quit asking him how he felt and was there for COT. It was a glorious 57 degrees on the Trusty Tundra Thermometer. Spectacular relief from the recent sweatfests. [Read More]

Do you even plan, bro?

A few weeks ago, I realized I had not Q’d a single Monday workout in 2021. Well, that seems to be a problem which needs fixing. Meet up at 5:05 at Wolverine to run some hills with Ma Bell. Return to a parking lot of HIMs at 5:28. Warm Up Run across the street to the pool parking lot. Circle up for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runner’s stretch, calf stretch, with a little Pigeon thrown in there. [Read More]

In a World...

The scene is dark, still and very quiet. There is barely any visible light but then we are jolted by the sound of an alarm clock and the darkness is pierce by the clocking showing 4:45am. Cut to: key in ignition Cut to: driving down the road before sunrise. Cut to: wide angle shot of 10 HIM milling around a parking waiting for what would become the best way to start ones day. [Read More]

Good Hill Hunting

BRR season is upon us, whether the Pax like it or not. Several crushed the Cauliflower EC, but since I rolled in at 5:13, I can’t tell you exactly who. 5:15 start. No shovel flag with good brother Snip at the beach, but I noticed on my drive in that the Town of Cary mounted flags around Koka Booth for the 4th, so we moseyed to the traffic island where we were surrounded by Old Glories. [Read More]

I love the Lions Den

Ah.. July in Carpex doesn’t disappoint that is for sure. The weather was a a glorious 75f and moist. Arriving a bit early for a little EC as I do, also to scout out my tentative plan, 10 HIM joined for the my tour of all the parking lots had to offer. Starting with the pledge then a mozy a loop of large lot for warmups: Good Mornings Seal Claps Overhead Claps Sir Fazio Arm Circles Runners Stretch Thang 1: 4 corners ladder up - adding the previous exercise to each corner. [Read More]

A Tour of Downtown Cary

It was a lovely, cool, sunny morning in the heart of Cary. So cool that HGTV flirted with the idea of long sleeves…on tank top Thursday. The cheek! A stern look from Burt brought him to heel. Burt’s briefcase of tanks was almost not needed, but alas, a rucker and a Raleigh guy needed the dressing room. The Q was delayed 30 seconds as Boucher put on a fashion show. YHC mumbled something about “This is F3, don’t get hurt” and we did the Pledge of Allegiance. [Read More]