Deck of Pain Audible

AO: #ao-wed-tortoises PAX: @Ausfaht @Bolton @Roasters @eHarmony @Shortcut @Billy @Meat Loaf @Ashbury @Sega @Zamboni @WWW I stepped up to take the Q late Tuesday. I realized after waking up I didn’t have a plan and scrambled through ideas inspired by Bartman and brought a deck of cards to beat the guys down with. At home, I quickly organized a Winke, printed it, woke the baby, and proceeded to forget the Winke at home. [Read More]

Good to be back on the horse

After a long hiatus, I stepped up to take the Q at Tin 2 Iron. This is one of the newer AO’s since I first joined F3 in the summer of 2019. I took a long break from F3, I could blame COVID but that’s an excuse, really got lost in life but continued to follow the PAX remotely. Many of the men stayed in contact with me and I appreciated that so much. [Read More]

KBs for Everyone

YHC rolls in a bit early to devise a plan and watch how WWW brews his tailgate coffee. 7 more eventually join, and we are ready to go on a beautiful morning. No FNGs. Pledge. A quick mosey to get loose, which YHC is told a couple of times should not be too long. Circle up where we started for a warm up. 7 GM IC 25 SSH IC 15 Imperial Walkers IC 15 Sir Fazio IC 15 Fazio Sir IC 15 Merkins OMD Everyone grabs a kettle bell, which will be with us for the duration. [Read More]

Of Course Battle Ropes Suck

I will admit that prior to 2021 I had only been to one workout at Cornerstone (aka the Artist formerly known as Sovereign Grace.) But now that I know this place has battle ropes and tires I am definitely coming back. That is the kind of stuff that was fun back when I knew what the inside of a gym looked like. 7 other guys roll in on a beautiful morning. [Read More]

May the 40s Be With You

To be honest the last thing I wanted to do today was get-up and workout. It was 28 degrees and I hate the cold. I have seen a lot of HIMs Q for their birthday so I jumped on the opportunity. I enjoy workouts that keep your heart rate up and build muscle and that was today’s goal. Exhaust the muscles to build the muscle. 5:30 hard start. No FNGs. First item on deck was the Pledge of Allegiance then onto a quick warm-up. [Read More]