Doing Cindy In Cadence (on my down AND my up)

This is a very tardy back blast. So if some of the details are wrong, I’m blaming it on a Respect’s faulty memory. I came here (Winterfell) last week and damn if Clementine didn’t out-mileage Kryptonite. Warm up We did some stuff. I remember we ran to the buses at the back of the building. I usually do sir fazio arm circles and Steve Earles so we’ll go with that. [Read More]

It's called Winterfell for a reason!

Super frosty & icy morning in the Far Northeast Kingdom of CARPEX! Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the over eating attributed to the Super Bowl, maybe it was the over drinking (SB)….. not really sure but the mumble chatter was high & the mosey was slow this fine morning. Here’s how it went down according to my recollection. No FNGs, start with the pledge, mosey back along school to the back where the buses are – painted some lines than circled up for some warm-up: [Read More]

El KryptoFell (Meadow)

Sometimes it’s just important to get a BB together to celebrate the fact that the most miles and greatest elevation covered at ANY AO on Monday, the First Day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty one was at Winterfell. Thirteen studs crushed >3,5 miles and >250 ft of gain. They are all recruit-ready for BRR 2021. Enjoyed it fellas. Not much talking up that little incline this morning. [Read More]

Q Week Day 4: FC

Day 4 of 5 of my Q week was set to be the most challenging (to not fartsack that is), the PAX seemed to be in good spirits considering everything going on in the world. YHC enjoyed seeing a good crowd out there this morning! Warm-up: To start getting our hearts bumping, we took a run around the peanut, with alternating movements including: Karaoke Ass-Kickers High Knees High Skip WU also circled up for GMs, Windmills and Burpees (foreshadowing the future) [Read More]

Q Week: Day 2 FOD

Day 2 of my Q week was a success with the PAX of WCary, giving a good showing given the current situation. Having focused on arms and shoulders the previous day, YHC wanted to give the PAX a well-balanced workout, so today’s beatdown focused elsewhere. However, due to that focus, YHC had some struggle with cadence counting the exercises today (T-Claps to Franklin for sorting it out). Warm Up: Mosey to top of the hill lot. [Read More]

South Of The Border

YHC started posting at Flying Circus when I first joined F3 in March of ’19, since moving the Durm’ I have not been back to post with Carpex but on a couple of occasions. My new year’s resolution is therefore to post and Q some of the Carpex AOs in WCary. Warm-up: 5 GM Cadence, 10 Windmills Cadence, 15 Side SHUFFLE Hops (Side Straddle Hops just sounds weird), 20 Mtn. Climbers [Read More]

Maximum Vanilla – Dora 2-3-4 & 5 rounds with the Russian Bear (Ivan Koloff)

Date: 2/2/2019 QIC: WWW AO: Phoenix PAX: Callahan, FNG Carvana, Clementine, Freebird, O’Douls, One-Four, PBX, Pigeon, Quiver, Smokey, Snots, The Commish, Triple Lindy, Wreck-it-Ralph (visiting from F3 Summerville),WWW, Yogi. The weather and temperature was beautiful! A great day to Q; however, when is it not a great day to Q in F3. FYI – my resolution for this year is to Q atleast once a week and to Q every day during my birthday week to include Rush Hour. [Read More]