3 years and counting

27 HIM gather including 1 FNG. Disclaimer given and we are off. Mozy the long way counterclockwise around the baseball fields to the upper lot. Warm up SSH x 15 IW x 15 GM x 10 Merkins, PJ, MC - IC x 10 Thang Partner up and complete required number of each set as a group with one PAX running the small loop. 150 merkins 150 monkey humpers 75 burpees [Read More]

Traveling Band

YHC woke up excited to Q his first kettle bell workout. Hopped in the car, pulled out of the neighborhood and glanced at the clock. 5:30. @#$% that’s the starting time for Hell’s Bells, I’m already late. Panic shoots through me. Then I wake up, for real this time. Grab the phone and see it’s still four-something. Everything’s gonna be all right. Warm-Up Every man grabs a kettle bell (a “travelling” kettle bell) and we mosey down to the circle for side straddle hops, hillbillies, Sir Fazios and cotton pickers. [Read More]

It's Not Raining on Monday

Finally, a Monday where it has not rained or is raining, and we can do a little bit of traveling with our bells this fine morning. Sooey comes in hot, with Crimson in tow of course and Wilbur slides in on two wheels. We mosey down the parking lot, cutting short our usual warm-up run to help Shut-In cover less distance and circle-up for: Warm Up Side-Straddle Hops Good mornings [Read More]

Keep Pushing

I don’t know what’s going on with the weather this week. It’s spring, but it’s snowing. The weatherman says it’s one temperature, the thermometer in my car says it’s another temperature, and while I’m standing there waiting for the clock to tick 5:45 it feels colder than either of them. One FNG, disclaimer is given, let’s get the blood moving and warm these boys up. Warm-Up Mosey over to the end of the parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, Sir Fazios both ways, plank jacks and merkins (morning, Ma Bell! [Read More]

Doing the B.I.R.P

The day-after birthday Q… How can we combine BLIMPs, partners and rocks… hmmmm. Warm-up Lap around the lot 45 ssh 10 gm 10 wm Run back to the rock pile with 1 merkin at each lamp Thang #1 - Doing the B.I.R.P – BLIMPS.Infating.Rock.Partner Partner up, grab a traveling rock, run to the soccer pitch. Line up along the midfield line, P1/P2 run to opposite goal lines and back, meet up, do the exercise set, then hand off the rock. [Read More]

Another Rainy Day in Hell's Bells

When: February 26th, 2018 QIC: Earhart The PAX: WWW, Wilbur, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut, YHC Earhart For what feels like the 5th Monday in a row, it is raining for HBs. YHC plan for the workout was curtailed as we cannot use the Bells in the wet. So, thanks to a well-lit and roomy shelter right next door, the Q will be in there. We drag the bell’s into the shelter and distribute them around the different benches (or is it pain stations). [Read More]


Great temps, 14 PAX, no lights, no FNGs but still give the disclaimer and we are off Warm up mozy SSH x20 IW x15 GM x10 Fazio routine Merkins, Plankjacks, MC x 15 Thang Catch me if you can with HR merkins to parking lot entrance Lindsays (aka 40s) on the hill with merkins at the top and squats at the bottom. Start with 30/10, decrease/increase by 5 until you get to 10/30 [Read More]

Apex's newest Kettlebell Workout - Hells Bells

Another great Monday morning to start at the best AO in Apex (I’m biased of course). Nine (9) fellow animals were out this morning getting their workout with the assistance of some 25lb to 45lb friends. It’s a great way to start your week and have I said how good the group is? PAX: Earhart, Sooey, Crimson, Capone, Beaker, WWW, Red Ryder, Wilbur and Monkey Nut We all roll in about the same time, at said time we start grunting like Crimson. [Read More]

Hell's Bells Beatdown

14 HIMs taking on Hells Bells Beatdown When: February 12th, 2018. QIC & YHC: WWW. The PAX: Crimson, Ryder, Sooey, Capone, Sour Mash, Monkey Nut, Earhart, Parker, Wilbur, BOGO, Pickles, Shut-in, Water Wings, WWW. Q’s first time leading HIMs for a Hells Bells kettlebell beatdown. It was a little bit warm this morning so it was a good time to get our sweat on. I was a little worried because it was 5 minuts to start time and only Shut-in and Sooey had a kettlebell. [Read More]

M.O.U.I.L.L.E.S.S.E.A.U.X. - The Workout

You had to know this was coming. For a week straight, we’ve been treated to a running gag concerning my last name. The Slack really does have a life of its own. Although, y’all are pretty tame compared to some of the variations I’ve seen and heard (Switch the X with a Z, drop in an N, and my all-time favorite, “Now batting, KEVIN MULLINEZZER!” - WTF?!). There’s nothing like being handed a little card right before walking to receive your diploma, the culmination of a lifetime of waaaaaaay too much schooling, asking you to phonetically spell out your name for the Dean to read (“Moo-Yay-So”), only to have her glance down, shudder, look up, her mouth moving silently, look down more earnestly, begin sweating, then look up, lean into the microphone, and say with all the confidence that only an academic trained for a lifetime to BS when all else fails could muster, “Kevin Mossalayou! [Read More]