Accountability Revisited

Accountability - sign up for the Q slot after a long week out of town to ensure that you post. Accountability revisited - repeat of before, so why not repeat the workout. Hard to believe that we did this back in February 2018 the first time. There were several modifications though since was my first running Q after recovery and with Green Mile down the road our hi tempo guys had an additional option. [Read More]

Not enough... no problem

Filling in for the legendary @www is no easy task. Prepped the workout and all plans are in place. Until Texas Ranger posts on slack “might not be enough cinders”. When I showed up on site and ran quickly to see the cinder count, I thought I should be good with about 10 or so Pax standing around and roughly 9 min to “go time”. But… cars continued to roll in and by the time we began it was 19 solid HIMs waiting for some fun. [Read More]

110 Burpees (Don't be Late)

Date: 6/12/2019 Pax: Triple Lindy, WWW, Theisman, Frisco, Meatloaf, Sega, Ashbury, Snooze, Intimidator, Baiter, Freebird, More, Wichita, Everyready, Alamo, Ezekiel, Hotty Toddy, Balut Pledge of Allegiance Warm-up: Mosey, GM’s, WM’s, backwards run, 20 burpees (courtesy of Frisco and Intimidator) Thang 1: 25 pull-ups done in sets of five alternating the grip each time Thang 2: A plank set Thang 3: Partnered up and partner one ran to other side of the parking lot while partner two did some ab exercise. [Read More]

A tribute to 151

151 on a Friday, not nearly that many at Phoenix the next morning, but still a chance to pay tribute. 1 FNG in the lot, a dang purrfect disclaimer and mission statement and it’s time to workout. Down to the lower lot. YHC encourages the young Mr. Miyagi to jump in a VQ a few warmup exercises. The kid did good, still much to learn, but he’s on the right path. [Read More]