Coffee's for Closers or Coffee's Closer?

Even as I type this back blast, Prodigal is still doing LBCs… For quite some time now, my Tuesday morning coffeeteria involves driving from Disturbing the Peace in downtown Apex to WZ by Full Metal Jacket and joining up with the already established fellowship taking place. It’s hard breaking into that camping chair circle when you arrive late, so the only way to beat ‘em, is to join ‘em. Not to mention, I drive by FMJ just to get to DTP, so when Orphan threw out the bat signal for people to step up and Q, it was a no brainer. [Read More]

You got anything better?

Solo EC run to check out the AO Bolton’s 2.0 a(nd FNG) Tripp came out to “join” the “fun.” Mosey to the warm-up **Warm-Up **Good mornings; Windmill; SSH: Steve Earles; Mnt. Climbers; Plank Jack **Thang One **Two groups of 5 Indian Run around the neighborhood. Each time the lead runner gets back to the front of the line, stop and complete 1 rep of 3 exercises. Increase the number of reps each time you stop. [Read More]

To Taper or Not?

What is this thing that is called the BRR taper? 13 men showed up at Thomas Brooks park, the site of Field of Dreams, to find out. Four were doing some EC pull-ups before the bell rang at 0545. No site Qs, no flag, let’s go. Warm Up Mosey lap, circle up. SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, Runners stretch, Calf stretch, Pigeon stretch, and CF Merkins The Thang Pick a non-traveling rock. [Read More]

Winter can't come soon enough

I know I’ll be complaining about it come next January but daaaaaamn it was hot and humid and sticky and absolutely bereft of wind this morning. WARNING: If you are coming out to Winterfell and following Google, make sure it takes you to the North entrance. Or, if you decide to take the ‘short cut’ and find the gate closed, make sure the head administrator at Alston is not there to witness you going ‘round the game over the grass. [Read More]

Katowice meets Bialystok

Pierogi Q tour continues with a return visit to the West Side. Pulled in around 5:20, shoes still on the passenger seat, with Sky Blue sliding into his regular spot just in front of me. As I leisurely put one shoe on and then the other, I notice the Flying Circus founder is getting agitated. He’s bouncing around like I’m holding him back from something. And as I tighten my laces and put the keys in the regular hiding spot, the man is literally running away from me down the parking lot. [Read More]

Field of Drunk rocks

YHC’s Q tour continues. Ain’t gonna lie… I have a love/hate relationship with the Q sheet. Love the fact that I can snag some quality spots last minute. Wouldn’t mind it being a little more difficult. Get out there and grab a spot. You will love it. The PAX may love it. I may not love it but that’s ok. Warm up During the EC (see NMS for more on that) I noticed that the rock pile near the flag is a bit low on small-sized rocks. [Read More]

BLIMPS with a Twist

As we gathered this lovely humid morning in the FOD parking lot, a fresh face sauntered up and introduced himself as an FNG. Apparently @dirtybomb EH’d him, but declined to post himself. A little small talk, a slightly abridged disclaimer and we were off for a mosey, paint the lines and a quick warm up with side straddle hops, merkins, good mornings, and sir fazio’s. At the bottom of the hill I explained our blimp routine… [Read More]