Alphabetti Spaghetti?!?

There’s a show that ran on BBC in the late 80s and early 90s called Red Dwarf that just about makes up the epitome of what I consider peak humor. It’s nerdy yet childish and gets me giggling all the time. While the show is a sci-fi comedy, it’s still a BBC show so the production values are total crap. You have to look through that. The writing and the characters are what make it work. [Read More]


Of course the day before I’m supposed to Q Point Break, I come up lame at a workout. Well, maybe lame is a bit harsh, but I did tweak my neck/back doing world’s worst merkins and thought maybe I should avoid anything like that at my Q. So low and behold, leg day was in the cards. I had to show up early just to run around Waverly a bit since I hadn’t been to Point Break in over a year. [Read More]


31! This has been some kind of week, so just like I did in my preparation I’m going to keep it brief. Mostly recycled my May the H8th workout from last year (thank you, longevity). Here’s what we did this time: FNG Check / F3 Mission Statement / FOLLOW ME into the park Quick figure 8 through the playground, and back to the inner lot for: GM // SSH // TT // 31SM [Read More]

Farewell Q

This will be YHC’s 5th BackBlast written in the last 2 weeks. I’m beginning to understand now why some PAX are not a fan of writing them or choose to routinely skip writing them. YHC, Schlitz, and Joe Smith showed up early to get over 3 miles of EC in. It was Schlitz that also pointed out a used DNA Cocoon on the grounds of SWW. Warm Up No FNGs, disclaimer (sort of), pledge. [Read More]

Eight Years

I had to de-commit from a BH Halloween Q, so I scooped up this FWD Q toward the end of last week. Knew it was going to be sandwiched between a late night return from being DR and an insane week at work, but the importance around the day itself made committing to this make sense… FNG Check - F3 Mission Statement - Disclaimer - FOLLOW ME! Down into the park and around the far pickle. [Read More]

Letting Go at Slippery When Wet

After two and a half years of posting, YHC finally got around to Q’ing. It was a glorious day for a VQ as the feel of fall was in the air and the PAX were in a jovial mood. We had 22 PAX in attendance (including 1 doing the IronPAX) and there were no FNGs. We started with the pledge and then ran to the playground-facing lot for a warm up as it was the only lit area in the entire AO beyond the bathrooms. [Read More]

Stetson Original

YHC had the opportunity to do my VQ at the AO where I started F3 nearly one year ago. I planned my workout on paper, used google maps to count light poles, drove through the office complex parking lot a few times, so I felt ready up until I got to the parking lot for the main event. Then my nerves got the best of me and I botched the mission and tried to say the Pledge of Allegiance in cadence and forgot the disclaimer for the FNG. [Read More]

Brought To You By the Letter B

Arrived early to set up shelter for this week’s Iron Pax Challenge. It happens to be exactly 30 yards long so we are good to go. 8 pax in place with one on the way and we are off. Basic Warmup Killer Bs – Repeat the following 5 times Broad jump 10 yds 10 burpees, 10 bonnie blairs, 10 big boi situps Repeat 2x more Bear crawl back Total of 150 of each exercise, including 150 yds of Bear Crawls [Read More]

BRR Taper 9/3/19 FWD

Several for some EC runs. 19 for the main event. A brief cluster disclaimer and mission statement was provided. Follow me jog to that Church on the right on the way to Waverly do some warm-ups and stretching. Follow me to the Mulkey, no Calyx, no NV5 parking lot entrance for some Monkey Humpers. Follow me to the nice pretty area in Waverly Place. Partner up (probably should have just counted 1s and 2s but oh well). [Read More]

Enough of all this BRR talk

BRR this, BRR that. I too am guilty, but today we took a break from all this mumble to settle in for a hard working day at FWD. 5 HIDAs launched for a team training run and the boot campers were on our way. Oh, 1 FNG who was properly disclaimed too during warm-ups including the 5 core principles w/ a burpee in between each one, to boot. Warm-up: Over to the circle for ball weaves Good morning SSH Sir Fazio + Seal + Overhead + Sir Fazio Quick feet + curb merkins on 10 and 15 counts The Thang: [Read More]