Meet the Pivots

Twas another splendid Tuesday morning in at Field of Dreams. YHC was ready to go after a brisk run to the AO with BOGO, Squatter, and Michelob. We gathered, I recited some form of a disclaimer. Debate ensued on whether we should state the fact that it is a disclaimer, or if we should simply disclaim. Quick mosey around the parking lot and we all join the pivot family circle of trust for warmups. [Read More]

Three Hundo (Merkins)

BB 18 HIM arrived at the Field of Dreams to live out a nightmare…three hundred merkins PLUS… Welcome FNG, Squid. The Warmup - Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Mixed run to the top of the hill parking lot, paint the lines. - Standard Merkins 40OMD - Happy Jacks 5 setsIC - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Abe Vigoda 10IC - Standard Merkins 20OMD - Imperial Walkers 15IC - Sir Fazio Arm Circles 10IC (egoscue grip) - Standard Merkins 20OMD [Read More]

Eclipse Phenomena

30 stallions rolled up to Field of Dreams all abuzz about the event of the century yesterday. Of course, I’m referring to the eclipse which evoked all kinds of emotions in humans and weird behavior in animals. What weird things would it cause at FoD? 0545: Pleasantries over. Listen up! Warm-up First exercise is the standard Merkin x 15 IC Jog (mix of regular and backwards) up to upper parking lot by the Thomas Brooks entrance and circle up for [Read More]

Raindrops keep falling on my head

YHC planned for some music to enhance the enjoyment of the beatdown and thankfully the theme from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was not on the playlist. Since the speaker and phone were already set up on the field, a little/lotta rain wasn’t going to change my plan. No FNGs, but lots of new faces and we were off. Mozy around parking lot and enter first soccer field. Warm-up [Read More]

Day Dreaming

YHC is glad to be part of VQ week! Thanks to all the PAX that participated in FOD today. I now have a better appreciation for how much the Q has to juggle, not the least of which is catching one’s breathe while talking and exercising.

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Parking Lot Pain

14 Pax gathered at FOD on this humid morning to get better. THE WARM UP: Run up and down Brooks Park Ln, mix in high knees / high heels / side hops / karaoke SSH 25x IC and Imperial walkers 10x IC at top Merkins 10x IC and Mountain climbers 10x IC at bottom Circle up, count off THE THANG, PARKING LOT PAIN: Partner up, starting parking lot (meetup spot) [Read More]

It is all about the trip

25 PAX showed for my first Q in a while. YHC is used to being avoided and “Q Shopped” with all the new AOs and multiple options per day. Before this, it was just fartsacking. Nothing new……… I was delighted to see 48 eyeballs, at least 18 which I have never seen. With my boy McCants wrecking folks over at FWD, YHC was not to be outdone. Warm-up - Jog uphill, all the way to the top parking lot. [Read More]

Wheelbarrows of fun

This a story about when 21 men went to a park. Not just any park, the best park in CARPEX. It all started the night before, when PBX encouraged everyone to roll up, roll up for a Magical Mystery Tour…’s what happened: Warm Up: 545 - Warm up run to near soccer pitches and oval up for 15 Good Mornings; 20 Cotton Pickers; 20 mountain climber; 20 plank jacks; 20 Hillbillies The Thangs Mosey to Soccer fields - starting at near goal line - and Partner off - size and speed matter Wheelbarrow to half way line & flapjack; Squats until everyone back then repeat-o Wheelbarrow-o; People's chair until all back Bear Crawl to 18 yd line; Run to half way; Bear Crawl to far 18 yd line; Run to goalline; Plankhold at far end of pitch Crawl Bear to 18 yd line; Backward Run to halfway; Crawl Bear to 18yd line; Backward Run to goalline; lbc's until everyone done BTTW - until everyone done & recover with run to lower crosswalk. [Read More]