Burpees around the world with bear crawls in between!

Woke up not expecting 46° after all the previous warm weather. Although, it was a beautiful morning to work the body, mind, and spirit. YHC/QIC did not write down what the workout regimen was going to be but he did have an idea that he contemplated over several days leading up to his Q… the goal was to put the HIMs to the test and to keep everyone as a group (so to speak). [Read More]

The Darby Project

Date: 01/10/18 QIC: Darby [South Wake] Site: Tortoises PAX: Yogi, Ascot, Theisman, M4L, Banjo, Crimson, Pickles, CK, AirHeart, Dog Pound, Sooey, Disco Duck, WWW, Draper, Spartan, R2D2, Ugga, Cherry Garcia, DeadBolt, Darby For our Wednesday version of the CarPex/Southwake Q-swap, we “limited” our running to Shuttle Sprints and Agility work. We started on cones and ladder drills, moving into shuttle sprints. In between each group of 5 shuttles, we did merkins, flutterkicks, WWIIs, Burpees, mountain climbers, and something Theisman called. [Read More]