Ninja Swap

Pre-Blast 22 heroes at Bastille in Churam for a Ninja Q Swap with @Grunge and YHC. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at…no flag?! Tighten up, Churam. Run around the lots, extended Paint the Lines. Circle up for: GM, WM, Groiner Merkins, SSH. The Thangs ONE: AYG the length of the lot up the hill. THREES: up and down the first hill in the lot, Bear Crawl up the hill for Burpees, run down the hill for LBCs PUTS or Mary while u wait. [Read More]

R-O-C-K in the F-o-D

This is my rock, there are many like it, but this one if mine… …my rock is my best friend, it is my life, I must master it like I master my life… …w_ithout me, my rock is useless, without my rock, I am useless._ After a two-week, work-related hiatus, it was great to be back in the gloom this morning. Particularly when it is at the finest AO in West Cary on a Tuesday morning – Field of Dreams. [Read More]