7th Callahanniversary

Seven years is a significant amount of time regardless of how many years you’ve racked up to this point in your life. For me, it represents over 20% of my existence on this earth. I spent some time the last few days considering how much I have changed in that span of time. A 27-year-old, working as an inside sales rep at a failing wood mill is were it started. Sam, the salesman. [Read More]

Merlot, 3 Honors, no Murph, no coffee, blood, 1 bud light, & counting can be so freakin' hard!

Wow – crazy fun morning at BO! So very much was happening & I’m not sure if I can capture half of it…. here’s my version, my truth…. Men gathered at the flag, grumbling was evident as Flacco’s presence looms large these days of May…. Murph on the minds of the PAX. We did the mission, the pledge, & were off to tour the town. Loop around & head to the bank for warm-ups – executed under extreme mumble chatter – it was awesome! [Read More]

Insomnia made me do it!

Once again I find myself not able to sleep. Awake at 1:10am, again at 2:32am and then finally at 4:44am. I give in. I get dressed and head out early to knock out an Insomnia pre SNS Q. During my 1.35m mozy, I take the time to reflect on all the things. I love that we have theses amazing parks/greenways to use. I appreciate the F3 brotherhood that I am a part of and the accountability it brings to my days and remember that no matter how bad I think I have it, someone else has it worse. [Read More]

Putting the B in Burpee, and Other B Words

I never know exactly how many PAX are boot-camping and how many are Vespering, but there were 20+ gathered at Bond Park expecting some sort of exercise routine. Warm Up A couple laps around the pickle to get the gams loose. Do the Pledge and recite the F3 Mission, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio forward and back, Seal claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CFMs. The Thang Mosey down to the end of Maury O’Dell, hang a right and go to the nicely lit parking lot adjacent to fields 5/6/7. [Read More]

12 Days of Schlitz-mas

Are you looking at my Weinke? 20 HIMs were kind enough to show up on this glorious day to see what YHC had in store for them. Full disclosure, I signed up for this Q before this AO went high tempo and really just to get that Q-zie. Parker mentioned last week that his wife was Qing at FIA and doing the 12 days of Christmas as a theme for her workout and that sounded like a great idea so let’s go! [Read More]

Escargot, my car go

I came across a news story Tuesday that the 2019 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees had been announced. I don’t remember how the news came to catch my attention but catch it it did. Start with the fact that two of my favorite bands were on the list (again) and that I hadn’t even heard of a couple others and I got intrigued. An hour or so later, not only had I created a little Spotify playlist to listen to at home, but an idea for a Q was developing as well. [Read More]

Shakin' & Stirrin'

Warm & beautiful morning in Cary’s Bond Park for Shaken not Stirred – great group of hard workin’ men too! It was my pleasure to lead such a group & I thoroughly enjoyed it! No FNGs, only familiar faces. Started with the pledge & moved out to a close-by parking lot. The group was informed that this is F3 – modify as necessary! We rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, cotton pickers, calf-stretch merkins, mountain climbers, etc. [Read More]

F3 #NoOyo

One day after a heavy morning across Carpex and F3 Nation c/o #F3MentalBattle, YHC thought the pax needed some good ole fashioned BO fellowship. But, before that 3 (YHC, Burt and Old Maid) for EC around DTC, and wait a 4th arrives at the end as well. What up, Term Paper? As for the ME, we set out to do some Strava art (and YHC got the pax in on it early… smart strategy). [Read More]