You Can’t Have a Great Day Without a Goodyear

Pre-Blast 16 HIM pushed themselves and grew stronger at Phoenix. Tecumseh was there. The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag Mixed Run to the East Lot Circle up for: Burpees, GM, WM, CP, Diamond ‘Mericans, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, WG ‘Mericans, SSH, Hillbillies Run back to the Senior Center entrance, Ranger ‘Mericans and Prime Time ‘Mericans on the way. Partner up for partner decline ‘Mericans. The Thang Partner Double Hill BLIMPS: Partner 1 runs to the Kiosk for 5 Burpees while Partner 2 runs to Jersey Mike’s for 5 Burpees. [Read More]

Core Principles

We moved, we sweat, we got going like a turbo vette! It was a swampy morning at Gran Torino, so we just jumped into it. Warmup: Good Mornings - Pretty weak on the Nature Boy imitations SSH Merkins LBC’s Merkins We’re off The Thang: 4 groups of 2, one group of 3 on the soccer field. We ran opposite directions around the perimeter of the soccer field, and met for 10 LBC’s. [Read More]

And We Ran

YHC felt a little Gumpy this morning, so I took advantage of the opportunity at Carpex’s finest High-Tempo bootcamp to get our run on. Warm-up: Good Mornings in honor of the missing Nature Boy SSH The Thang: One line of 9 for an Indian Run towards Mo-Ville Parkway One Stop for a set of WW2’s Back to Indian Run Continue on to corner, turning right on Mo-Ville Parkway after a set of merkins, then WW2’s Back to Indian Run Run towards the sun, stopping for a quick set of LBC’s, merkins, and WW2’s Back to Indian Run We found ourselves a dam with very tall grass, and an opportunity to do control freak incline partner sit-ups, truly a fun time. [Read More]