Lexicon JKL

Coldest morning of the week, 42 degrees in the gloom…..17 PAX came out for the Exicon J-K-L…2 had a good excuse…1 did not…you know who you are… Warm Up Jog, Low&Slow Good Mornings (yes, I cheated a bit on that one) and Jumping Jack Burpee Flash (10 Jumping Jacks & 10 burpees) Thang 1 Run up and down staircase, jog around the track & over to play ground Jumping Jack Burpee Flash Pull Ups (10 Jumping Jacks, 10 Burpees, 10 pull-ups) Repeato twice Jog over to the big track Thang 2 [Read More]

The Beakentineheart Q

It seems like the only way I can Q these days is to jump in when other men need a hand (or sign up for early 2020 - I’m looking at you #AO-Mon-Wolverine). Although with the last kerfuffle of the triple switch Kitty, no, CD, no, Liverpool, no, Beaker Q, I made really darn sure I was taking over for the site and day I thought I was, and still half-expected someone else to start calling out the countdown. [Read More]

U Got Desire So Sell Phantom Street Everyday to the Immigrant Love Mother

There are a few truisms in life: You’re going to die and you have no idea when Make time for your friends and loved ones YHC is only going to post once a year at the following AOs: FC, BH, DP, FWD, SWW This BB is for one of those times. It being the end of summer and with school about to start, when the Q-sheet showed an opening for FC on Thursday, I knew it was now or never. [Read More]