Rucktoberfest 2021

So Rucktoberfest started as an idea I had back in 2019. And while I have never been to the actual Oktoberfest in Munich, I am assuredly of German heritage, speak German, have a second major in German, and while I was in college, I lived for a year in - you guessed it - Austria (side note - I actually spoke really proper “high” German before I lived in Austria for a year, but it completely ruined my near perfect accent, and apparently I now speak German with a Swedish accent) [Read More]

Don't Be a D*ck

I have absolutely no idea what this means, but it had to be included. If I’m being honest I always thought MASH the TV show wasn’t very good. Maybe I’m just not an Alan Alda guy. But I really like MASH the AO. Mid 40’s with a light breeze. A beautiful morning for a workout. An even dozen surround what can only be described as a very interesting and/or aesthetically challenged shovel flag. [Read More]

The Magical Parking Lot

A few Southeast Cary guys agree to join me for this adventure, with Chipper and Oofda even showing up early for an EC run. They have vastly overestimated how long it will take to get to the other side of the world and are therefore able to enjoy an extra 15 minutes of stretching before we take off. No prior experience with an EC run here. But Google Maps is undefeated, so we find enough greenway to make it work. [Read More]