Stuff happened

It’s Revolution time in CARPEx and about 30 dudes were running the Maynard. YHC came out for Insomnia and … ran it solo despite the parking lot being full of cars. Plus it was really cold. So I didn’t expect many guys to show up. But show up they did. In droves. All within 30 seconds of go time. 30 seconds later we were off. Only one goal today: keep everyone warm. [Read More]

Alright, Alright, Alright

AO: Dazed And Confused Workout Date: 08/13/21 Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Warm Up exercises Main Event: 1) Number of The Beast in the front parking lot 2) Balls to the Wall, People’s Chair, and Australian Mountain Climbers on the wall by the school 3) Fives on the hill behind the parking deck. Squats and Star Jumps maybe? I took too long to write this Backblast and can’t remember [Read More]

Grundle-Dusting Comes to Cary (the Baby It's Cold Outside edition)

YHC made his virgin voyage to Whoville this morning. First time ever, and I have the Q. What could go wrong? First of all, I apparently park at the other end of the parking lot from where the flag is typically planted. Not that anyone would know, since the pin drop is in the middle of the school building. Once we figure this out, and the clock strikes 0530, there is a disclaimer given and the pledge is pledged. [Read More]

Is That Your Pickle? (or are you just happy to see me???)

Respect week. The GREATEST WEEK OF THE YEAR in carpex f3. The excitement was palpable at Salem Pond Park on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. Several did an EC run, there were 2 for EC Shred and 2 more for EC pull-ups. After Hermes finished reading the obituaries, we got all 24!!! guys to start out with the Pledge. There was a little mini-disclaimer beforehand, but it was likely not heard due to the intense MC centering around bad old people jokes. [Read More]

Full Metal Snip'n

Twenty-one PAX made it out to Full Metal Jacket Tuesday morning for an Election Day workout. It was my 1-year F3 anniversary and South Cary came to support. At 530 AM, we said the Pledge, and off we went. Warm up Jog over to the parking lot near the baseball field Good Morning Arm Circles (Front/Back) SSH Calf Stretches Merkins First » Two-circle DORA Mozy up to the main circle off the second entrance. [Read More]

Coffee's for Closers or Coffee's Closer?

Even as I type this back blast, Prodigal is still doing LBCs… For quite some time now, my Tuesday morning coffeeteria involves driving from Disturbing the Peace in downtown Apex to WZ by Full Metal Jacket and joining up with the already established fellowship taking place. It’s hard breaking into that camping chair circle when you arrive late, so the only way to beat ‘em, is to join ‘em. Not to mention, I drive by FMJ just to get to DTP, so when Orphan threw out the bat signal for people to step up and Q, it was a no brainer. [Read More]

Heaven is a Halfpipe

This backblast is a little late coming as it is from my birthday Q on 8/20, but as you get older you tend to forget things. Any way, as most are aware it’s BRR season and another HIM suggested those of us running the BRR should be sure to take all the open Q slots for BRR inspired workouts. Well, one of my typical training routes goes right through HFT and from the light at Olive Chapel and Kelly Road to Kelly at Beaver Creek Commons appeared to be the perfect “halfpipe” if you will. [Read More]

"Breathe" is yoga speak for DBB

4 Beige Bros for an EC run 0530 Welcome our FNG and off we go for a 3.25 mile run 0600 Yoga **COT **Odyssey is on for this year. More details to come Prayers for Parker & his family with the loss of their dog, Chewey’s recovery from back surgery and all the kids/teacher/parents starting school today Easiest BB I ever wrote. Forgot to read my quote this morning, but here’s one from Confucious [Read More]

Prodigal Sun Rise

Following through on my standing offer to write your backblast if you Q at Back-in-Black: Prodigal is your QIC, and he brings his own party (Trident and Drago). Chops solo ECs. Puzzles, fresh off his highly successful VQ at FWD, arrives on bike. Thing 1: 10 burpees, 10 lunges, 10 WW2s, run the pickle, 9 burpees, 9 lunges, 9 WW2s, etc. Prodigal laps everyone. Thing 2: Pearls on a string Indian run halfway around the lake. [Read More]

Classic TV Land

I may have shared this before (probably with Cally for a The Muggo bit) so pardon the repetition. When I came to the US at seven years old, I knew somewhere between one and four words of English and my parents were only moderately more fluent. Lucky for me, this is a great country with great people, great teachers and great institutions of learning. And even greater television. I am pretty sure between the fall of 1983 and the summer of 1985, I watched 2,148 hours of television. [Read More]