9/3/21 SWW 4 year anniversary

24 total PAX. Pineapple and Chops were not there, even though they clicked the HC button. I assume they know what HC stands for. Half was there. I assume Burt told him he should go. Lookout ran a bunch of miles so we would quit asking him how he felt and was there for COT. It was a glorious 57 degrees on the Trusty Tundra Thermometer. Spectacular relief from the recent sweatfests. [Read More]

It Was My Understanding

AO: Slippery When Wet Workout Date: 06/04/21 I really prefer to post a new AO before Qing, but it doesn’t always happen. In these cases I perform due diligence, verifying the workout format and scoping out the AO on Google Maps. According to the F3 Carpex website, Slippery When Wet is a standard boot camp. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs (1), give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

We Have Liftoff

15 gathered to get ready for the workout. YHC informed the pax of the plan to get a location where we could hopefully catch a glimpse of the SpaceX rocket. One FNG and the disclaimer given. Mosey towards the lake near Lochmere for a warm-up consisting of SSH, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, Merkins and Plankjacks Move down the street for Dips and Irkins at a location ideal to see the rocket [Read More]

Virtue of the bored

Punctuality is a key part of our culture here within F3 CARPEx. Case in point, we start on time, we end on time and we even have an official Region timekeeper: Saban. I am not aware of any other Regions that take punctuality so seriously. Even when Saban is not around, if a workout goes long, inevitably someone will mention Saban being unhappy. Suffice it to say, “Don’t be late” might as well be our subheader. [Read More]

New Home

This was the second of two ’late commit’ Qs by YHC on Sunday night, and for an easy reason. Good chance this could have been 3 scoop Qs, but I didn’t want to grab a Wednesday to leave that open for a Maynard or a Cleaver (which I proceeded to FS through anyways). Point Break was open, and the FWD-PB-SWW combo would have felt appropriate given upcoming circumstances. More on that in the NMS. [Read More]

We Already Did These

Pierogi made an astute observation on Sunday evening - there were 14, count ’em FOURTEEN empty Q slots for this week. Feeling personally called out by that, I scooped two of them. As we’ll see on Friday of this week, it was easy to select the two that I did. More on that on Friday. #foreshadowing I arrived at MDP at approx 5:04 (so as to avoid the pressure of joining the EC) to settle on the plan for the workout. [Read More]

True HIM Tribute

Just a bit moist & slippery – maybe it’s the perfect conditions for Slippery When Wet…. Wow – pulling in the parking lot, Flacco’s light bar blinded & spotted a few good men already there….. & then they just kept streaming in via car, EC run, or rescue boat it seems…. FNG was briefed on the F3 disclaimer 1:1 – he & his dad in for the weekend up from Florida with other family to support Liverpool. [Read More]

So glad Saban wasn't there...

Wow - love these 530 starts 25 minutes away…. or not. However, it is always a pleasure to lead and this morning was know exception. We started with 15, ended with 15 and had 16 during our mid workout count o rama. Many people that I haven’t seen at all or in a while - that is why it is great to travel. YHC looked through the last several backblasts before his Q at FWD - and noted that they only seemed to a) go to the bridge, b) go across the road to the office park or c) run up and down the Cary Park hill - so my primary goal was to do something different. [Read More]