The Indy 500

Preamble YHC was thinking about what to do when a post on some social media site or another fell into my lap talking about the Indy 500, something someone from Indianapolis had brought to the PAX to Minneapolis. Well, well, well. Not above shameless mimicry, I had me the makings of a Q The morning started with a pre-blasted EC run as well as the do-not-call-it-Vesper run at 0510. The czar of calf sleeves hisownself, Beaker, joined YHC for the standard end-end EC run while 4 elites took off for the West Cary hinterlands, not to be seen again until COT all sweaty and bloody nippled. [Read More]

Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!

After seeing a post about starting up a sports AO, I was inspired to lead an ultimate Frisbee workout. Luckily I own an LED Frisbee, so we can play in the dark, add a few glow bracelets for team identification and were good to go. After gathering in the parking lot and a pretty poor recitation of the disclaimer for the FNG, we mosey to the frozen tundra of flying circus. [Read More]