Smoking the Smoky Mountain Relay 2022

For the first time, Carpex sent two 9-man teams to the Smoky Mountain Relay. Coincidentally, this was the first year that SMR had a 9-man division, and perhaps less coincidentally, the Carpex teams took 1st and 2nd place in that division. We’re going to cover a lot of ground in this backblast, from the teams, their experiences, the course, to a comparison with the perennial favorite Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), so buckle up, because this is going to be a bumpier ride than the “100% paved” abandoned Nantahala wilderness road of Leg 26! [Read More]

Let's get swole!!!

So for some strange reason YHC signed up to Q this morning. The day after running a 1/2 marathon. Not the best plan, but at least Hell’s Bells is typically limited run. Also, YHC does not typically post at Hell’s Bells, but I’ve been around long enough so what the hell? Here’s what we did: Warmup: No FNGs. Mission statement and pledge and offff we go for a mosey around the parking lot and up the street. [Read More]

Your M Will Thank Me Later

Preamble Sometime on Tuesday, as I was contemplating my posts for the rest of the week, a message appeared out of the blue that the HFT QIC slot for Thursday was open. YHC jumped on it and…Boom! Thursday plan solved! Then sometime on Wednesday, Buzz Cut messaged me something to the effect of “I don’t know you; can I count on you actually Qing my site?” Right question, wrong PAX to ask. [Read More]

Making Tortoises Great Again

Approximately 4 years ago, after months of EH’ing by CHiPs from South Wake, YHC made his F3 debut at the premier Wednesday limited run AO in all of Carpex. I say approximately because there is no backblast for the workout. But it was the 2nd Wednesday in August, if my feeble 51 year old memory is doing me any favors today. It was rough. Yogi had the Q and I’m pretty sure I coded at least twice during the workout. [Read More]

Who's Your Uncle?

The Back Story After fifteen hours of rain from Tropical Storm Elsa, the skies parted and left a beautiful Carpex just ready for something special – YHC’s first Q. And what an auspicious occasion it was! I knew I took a long time to finally get to this place and there were a lot of guys that encouraged, pushed, and flat-out razzed me to get here. Thank you all for that. [Read More]

The Rules and Proper Nutrition

Back almost 4 years ago when I first got initiated in this group (not a cult) that we know as F3, our little group in Carpex was a lot smaller. At that point, I think a full schedule was 2-3 AOs on most days. As it stands now in July 2021, we are more like 7-8 AOs five days per week, as well as several Saturday options and a plethora of EC opportunities. [Read More]

Which Way to the Church?

AO: Disturbing The Peace Workout Date: 06/29/21 After checking out backblasts and Google Maps, YHC posted for the prerun to get a final feel for the AO. We got in a surprising (to me) three miles. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs (1), and give the disclaimer Pledge of Allegiance Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC) Good Morning x5 IC Imperial Walker x10 IC Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x5 IC, reverse x5 IC [Read More]

Double Sevens!

So YHC made the mistake of asking earlier in the week who had the Q for Piranha Park on Saturday. Well, site Q Peeping Tom replied no one and asked if I wanted to take it. I said maybe, so naturally he just went ahead and put my name on the sheet. Fair enough, let’s see what I can do with an hour… Warmup: Pledge of allegiance to the flag and mission statement and off we head out of the park towards the road. [Read More]

Learning Portuguese

Big crowd this morning, fortunately there were more bells than pax. Two or three pax with an EC run, plus Kwik Stop for EC tire flippin'. Warm-Up Lap around the parking lot and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, copperhead merkins and squats, control freak good mornings. The Thang Tabata, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, four rounds, four sets, four exercises, with a lap between each round. [Read More]

Helping out your GBB!

Love me some Dante’s Peak! Great group of guys there this amazing morning! It’s the 21st day of my man Flacco’s Murph-a-day in May – wondering how I can help him knock that out and keep it fun for all… here’s what went down…. Smithers brought FNG, we did the mission, bit of a disclosure and then the pledge. Warm-up – moseyed up the hill and down the locked up entrance to the basketball court – good morning, windmill, hillbilly, shoulder stuff, merkin, mtn climber, etc. [Read More]