Lexicon STU

Good morning ! A dozen (well 11 until we saw this lonely dude doing squats on the side of the road..yes, it was Build-a-Bear) showed up this morning to endure Lexicon STU…though ran out of time one of the few U exercises in the Lexicon. Welcome Gary Allen - now called Beavis. Warm up “Sweet” God Morning Sixteen - Squats Sixteen - SSH Sleeping Hillbillies Thang 1 Seven Times Two around The Track Sumo Squat at one end x1-7 T Merkin x7 at middle Smurf Jack at other end x1-7 Thang 2 [Read More]

Going the distance

Gran Torino has become one of my favorite AOs. It draws a wide variety of pax, and those that come are tough customers. Today was no exception. As my first post there this year due to travel and work, I was eager to set a good example, especially as co-site Q’s @largemouth and @chanticleer were present. 5 for one EC run, a few others for another, and even more for EC PYPs, meant pretty much everyone was warmed up at go-time. [Read More]

Small Group Workout for Men

Pre-Blast 18 for Phoenix or The Maynard at Phoenix The Warmup Pledge of Allegiance at the flag. Small Group Indian Run to the West lot. The First Thang Bear Crawl the length of the lot. Extended Plank Series: 20,15,10,5 reps of ‘Mericans, Plankjacks, Mountain Climbers The Second Thang SGIR to the Community Center Grab and ego rock and partner up. P1 runs around the CC while P2 performs AMRAP Rock Rour Bodies. [Read More]