It's all circles

Q swap week took YHC to where it all started back in September of 2017…Thunder. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was EH’d by M4L and the beatdown was brought to us by Butt Joint. Thank you men for re-igniting that fire (see below.) **Warm-Up **Circle Up. Good Evenings, Windmill, Sir Fazio’s, Seal Clap, [10 penalty burpees for Sea Horse from Wilmington, who we found out later came directly from the airport for the workout #sorrynotsorry] Overhead Clap, Morroccan Night Club, Steve Earle, Mnt. [Read More]

Crazy Train Lifesavers 6/9/18

Lifesaver: A thing that saves one from serious difficulty, a ring-shaped life preserver, a piece of candy. AKA: Disco Duck, Yoga Mat and Dice! The Thang: 12 Pax Met at Bradford’s Ordinary 6/9 at 0745. Scratch that the train is delayed (of course), make it 0845. Some got in some 2nd F at LeFarm and some just hung out at the house a little longer. Mosey over to the Train Station and wait on the 92 Silver Star scheduled to leave Cary at 0808 and arrive in Raleigh at 0834. [Read More]

FWD Home of the Inverted Sunrise

Date : 02/27/18 QIC Fluoride The Pax: Hermes, Ollie, Cheddar Bo, Smokey, Jigglypuff, Tofu, Freebird, Netscape, Fluoride Showed up at FWD with shovel flag in hand and time to plant it. Its a crisp morning, but thank God the rain has passed and we have a clear sky above. Someone pointed out the space station which passes directly overhead right at 5:45 to kick off our workout this morning. With temps in the 40’s 9 eager Pax are ready to get moving to stay warm so we head to the circle in front of the park to warm up. [Read More]

First Anniversary and Bacon! 2/20

Is they a direct relationship on how long you put off writing a back blast and how good it is? For me, the longer I put it off the shorter it becomes. Probably a matter of opinion if that make it better or not. 1 FNG - Disclaimer by Joe Smith. Nicely done for a lawyer. Run to Chanticleer’s for Warmup - SSH, IW, GM. Merkins+Mountain Climbers+Plank Jacks Run back to the Park parking lot and partner up. [Read More]