Bass Ackwards

Slippery When Wet, May 17, 2019. 18 pax. 1099, Banjo, Captain Jack, Chanticler, Chipper, Denali, Grease Monkey, Greenbo, Hermes, Joe Smith, Kitty Litter, Michelob, Oofta, Quiver, Smokey, Stetson, Titanic, Whirlie, YHC is proof that tenure means nothing when executing a perfect Q. Unlike Frisco, who stole the show on his first ~5~ 10 VQs, YHC has learned next to nothing on how to operate the F3 Q machine. But if catching it on the chin from fellow pax is a sign of respect, boy did I get it today. [Read More]

"Are we doing that Clock Thingy Workout?"

So this is the fourth time I’ve pulled out this workout, but It has yet to get a name that has stuck. Term Paper remembered it and yelled out the above quote as we did our warm up run, but I don’t think Clock Thingy Workout is the one. Today I Googled “Circle of Fitness” and two things happened. First, this random guy’s image came up, and two, I saw something that read “Wheel of Fitness. [Read More]

Flirtin' with The Murph

Hi-Liter asked me to step in for the FWD Q this week, I was honored! Leading up to the Q, I thought to myself, What would Hi-Liter do? I figured it had been at least 4 or 5 days since his last Murph, so it must be time for another Murph, right?! But the famous Memorial Day Murph convergence is right around the corner. Now FWD is strategically placed .5 miles from Cary’s flagship pedestrian bridge, which is irresistible to YHC with the Q. [Read More]

I will not leave you

Men, Two years ago today I showed up in the F3 Carpex Gloom at the invite of my fraternity brother, Jamie “Repeato” Roseborough. I had been back in North Carolina for about eight months and things were going well. I was getting in workouts about three days a week in the gym and crushing a strong 2-3 mile solo run on the weekend. Things were fine, right? Wrong. Something was still missing, and as they say, you now know the rest of the story. [Read More]

21 for 22's

Warm-Up Mosey out of the park and safely across Cary Parkway to the office park and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward and reverse. Notice Red Ryder’s smiling face as he sneaks into the circle, ask the site Q’s what time we start, confirm my suspicion that he’s late, reward his tardiness with ten burpees OMD (#noOYObro). Close out the warm-up with good mornings and criticism of my cadence. [Read More]

Bunch of Half-Dead Romanians (Friday, May 3rd)

SWW remains one of my favorite AO’s and with the stash of CMU’s (Cinder Blocks) acquired by Bayonne….it’s even more versatile! I try to keep most of my workouts to fairly high-tempo, constant movement type stuff, and I also try to ensure we hit at least one lesser-used muscle group. Today was no different and the targeted lesser muscles were the back and hamstrings. 25 HIM’s showed up to see what was in store, and I’m not one to disappoint! [Read More]

The Hill is Alive

Perfect morning at FWD! Site I don’t get to a whole lot – great to get together with some fine high-impact men. 14 HIMs gathered – No FNGs, only familiar faces. F3 intro given & we started with the pledge. Moseyed around the parking lot & painted some lines. With all that running out of the way, we rolled into: The Warm Up Circle up for SSH, good mornings, windmills, imperial walkers, hill billies, calf stretch merkins, etc. [Read More]

50 Challenge Vanilla ... NOT!!!

PAX: Ashbury (hate), Captain Jack, Chipper, EarharT, FNG Fedora (hate), Honeycomb, Joe Smith, Kermit (Hate), Kitty Litter, Meatloaf, Milton Bradley (hate), Sega (hate), Smokey, Staubach, Term Paper, Titanic, Whirlie, WWW My original Q slot was supposed to be last week because Blue Water was not going to get back from his trip until later that day, so he needed someone to step in and Q. I thought I was the first to respond but Riptide was quick on the draw and beat me to the punch. [Read More]

No bacon, no end zone dances just a piping hot serving of maple glazed, candied pain. Triple Threat Style with burpees taboot!

Date: 4/2/19 QIC: WWW AO: FWD PAX: Kitty Litter, Lite Brite, Oofta, Smokey, Titanic, WWW, Yoga Mat My quest to Q once a week is still going strong. I drove the FWD proper yesterday, after work, to recon the AO. What’s deceiving is when you are driving in your car, you do not realize that FWD is in a valley; therefore, to get out of it, there is an incline no matter which direction you chose and venture off to. [Read More]

Traveling 4 Corners

19 strong on a perfect cool spring morning. disclaimer given and we are off 30 seconds early Brief mosey to warm up area SSH x 15 GM x 7 Hillbillies x 10 Merkins IC x 10 Low plank hold 5 count around the circle Thangs Mosey to one of the many office parking lots with increasing exercises at lamp posts HRM up to 10 Star jumps up to 15 *** [Read More]