Tortoise Pendulum

Workout Date: 04/28/21 YHC needed to hop back on the Q train to get my momentum back. Tortoises was the second workout I was able to find on the Carpex Q sheet for this week. At Hell’s Bells on Monday, I had heard about the pull up bars on site and hoped I could work them in somehow. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

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I couldn’t think of a title so I just kept what was already there. A few of us got after it a bit early for a little EC, and I saw a few guys getting a bit more after the workout. Here’s what happened in between. 0545, No FNGs so off we go for a quick parking lot tour before circling up for some Good Mornings, Windmills and Steve Earles. [Read More]