It adds up

EC Showed up a bit before 5:30 thinking that FOD was an early start time. Then remembered that FOD is old school. 5:45AM Start old school. Luckily Gump was in the parking lot just waiting to put on some more miles. The man finished his first marathon Sunday and he’s already looking for some EC?! Crazy. We got in a couple miles in ~15 minutes. I would have taken him back to the flag the long way but Gump talked me out of it. [Read More]

Just be ready!

Back in 2016, I decided to go to the gym the week after Christmas. Be committed and show up BEFORE all those people that start in January. I was on a mission to be less chubby and more healthy. Spin class two days a week. That was the answer! But Lifetime didn’t offer a morning class on Fridays at the Apex gym. Crimson had been pressuring nagging encouraging me to try his new workout group F3. [Read More]

Accountability 2020

The new year brings new goals. YHC has not been very good at stepping up to Q as often as I should. So, what do you do about it? You get an accountability partner and make a pack. So, for 2020, YHC and my accountability partner @Deuce will hold each other accountable to Q at least once a month. In that vain, January kicks off the accountability pack with a Co-Q at Dazed and Confused. [Read More]

The Indy 500

Preamble YHC was thinking about what to do when a post on some social media site or another fell into my lap talking about the Indy 500, something someone from Indianapolis had brought to the PAX to Minneapolis. Well, well, well. Not above shameless mimicry, I had me the makings of a Q The morning started with a pre-blasted EC run as well as the do-not-call-it-Vesper run at 0510. The czar of calf sleeves hisownself, Beaker, joined YHC for the standard end-end EC run while 4 elites took off for the West Cary hinterlands, not to be seen again until COT all sweaty and bloody nippled. [Read More]

Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!

After seeing a post about starting up a sports AO, I was inspired to lead an ultimate Frisbee workout. Luckily I own an LED Frisbee, so we can play in the dark, add a few glow bracelets for team identification and were good to go. After gathering in the parking lot and a pretty poor recitation of the disclaimer for the FNG, we mosey to the frozen tundra of flying circus. [Read More]

2020...Year of the Absolution

Small crowd for Insomnia this morning: YHC, Michelob, Largemouth, GTL, Callahan & Beaker. 5:45. Disclaimer was “given.” Vespers go left, SNS’ers went right. Off to the grassy area behind Senior Center & Circle Up. Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Overhead Clap. Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Steve Earle, Mnt. Climber, Absolution. [Q NOTE: The Absolution is a simple 8 count exercise that I will continue to call at all of my Qs until all PAX present at the afore mentioned Qs knows how to do it and can perform 10 flawless reps. [Read More]