Horton hears a...Who understood what Tang just said?

Day 2 of Tang’s Return Tour resulted in sweat angels, confusion, and Bolton nearly dying. We had 10 PAX post, mostly all between 0528-0530, so I was pretty nervous for awhile about working out alone…I had a month of that in Cali and wasn’t about to repeat again. Nevertheless, the PAX rolled in, and after a few intros we set off. Bolton wasn’t sure at first about rucking or bootcamping, but he was persuaded to be our 9th camper…a decision he voiced many times that he regretted throughout the workout. [Read More]

Pre-measure... then measure twice

Looking up stretches and yoga exercises last night, I realized that more “experts” (read: Runners World and similar publications) suggest that one should stretch BEFORE a run as much as AFTER. Yes with Measure Twice (and pretty much all other F3 workouts) what little stretching happens, happens after. Sure, there may be some SSH and GM’s for a warm up, but with most of the Hi-Tempo and Running workouts, that’s a rarity. [Read More]

Lexicon M&M,N,O

14 started in the gloom at Flying Circus. 13 ended. Our brother Swag rolled his ankle during the cross country trek through the mulch. A root took him down. Thanks to Gump for his swift action and emergency driving to get Swag back to his car and on his way home. Nobody dressed up for today - except your Q as a blue M&M for Lexicon MNO…well M&N, no O. [Read More]

One Year - You get a clock!

One year ago I showed up to Apex Nature Park on a Monday and asked some guy named Disco Duck if this was the “workout group.” A couple of days later I’m running laps next to a dude with a monkey taped to his crotch. To try and sum up even just one year of highlights and memories would be a muggo sized feat. The current task at hand is to provide a worthy beatdown to the 32 PAX that chose to grace FOD on a beautiful Tuesday morning. [Read More]

Gobblin' Tabatas

0530 with one PAX who will remain nameless skating in just in time. YHC reminded everyone this is a weighted workout so be careful with form, and don’t hurt yourself. Started with a parking lot mosey followed by the pledge of allegiance. Warmup: Good Mornings Imperial Walkers Sir Fazio Fwd Seal Clap Sir Fazio Reverse Runners stretch Pigeon Stretch 10 standard merkins 5 McKenzie Merkins (Upward Dog) Thang 1: Kettle Bell Tabatas 15 count of KB swings immediately followed by KB merkins x 4 10 count KB squat and press followed by mountain climbers x 4 8 count KB curls followed by tricep extensions x 4 Thang 2: Battle Rope Team Crawls and Circle of Death Split into Two Groups - Transition once everyone has done burpees on the Yahoo Gobble. [Read More]

DORA Figure Eight

QIC: Gibraltar Date: 09/20/2019 After 7 years of not exercising in a disciplined way and with only one month of training with F3, Pivot told me if I would like to be a Q. At the beginning it sounds to me very challenging, to lead the workout with people who are really in good shape but I did not want to miss the opportunity and thanks to Torpedo I was able to schedule my Q for the last day of the VQ week. [Read More]

Superruck of a time with some coupon sharing

AO: Rolling Stone PAX: The Departed, One Direction, Ezekiel, Bartman, Geek Squad, WWW Warm-up GM, seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, Sir Fazio f/b, calf stretch 2 Ruckers carry an extra coupon and we mosey for .5 miles (swap after every stop) Thang: Superruck (superset with your ruck) Set 1 x3 10 overhead squats and 10 burpees man makers Mosey for .5 miles Set 2 x3 20 Lunges and 10 ruck swings [Read More]

Ladder of Unknown Height

QIC: Parker Date: 10/18/2019 PAX (bootcamp): Largemouth, Torpedo, Sooner, Snots, One-Four, Biner, PBX, Gibraltar, Michelob, Big Red, Doogie, Parker. PAX (Ruck): The Departed, Ezekiel, One Direction, WWW, Bartman, Geek Squad. 12 bootcamp PAX and 6 Ruckers gathered in the 43 F gloom at Gran Torino. Last time I Q’d at GT was BRR Friday, and hi-tempo bootcampers were slim. Happy to see a slightly larger group this time. WWW had a look in his eye about the planned Rucker Q, so all PAX were on edge. [Read More]

Double Down on 7-7-7 x7 Jackpot and a lot more taboot!!!

AO: Tortoises Date: 10/2/2019 PAX: Yogi, Roasters, Half Back, Meatloaf, Traffic Cone, Ausfarth, Ezekiel, Five Hole, Hotty Toddy (H), Crimson, Lawn Dart, Puddles, Rooney, Sega (HH), Wahoo, Shipper, PBX, Intimidator, Johnny Utah, Biner, Go Cart, The Departed, Ashbury (HH), WWW Tortoises is a great AO because it caters to all HIMs. This was high intensity with no 10 count rest. I had a plan coming to the workout but it had to be modified because of the high number; >20 (24 to be exact). [Read More]

It Looked Better On Paper

There is something interesting, something magical, that happens when you lead a group of men in the Gloom, but more on that later. My oh my, what an honor to VQ today. After a pledge of allegiance, 18 PAX moseyed up to the large pickle. Nature Boy, my trusty fall back in case I faltered in my inaugural Q, reminded me of the definition of Mosey. It is indeed not a saunter, and most definitely not a sprint. [Read More]