Partner Work for 2 Year Anniversary

12 PAX helped celebrate my 2 year anniversary with F3. There were 3 Honors and 2 Respects. Some chatter as to if SWW will become the older AO of Friday mornings. We saw the end of the lunar eclipse during warm up, disappointed that I didn’t make an effort to see it earlier. Today I focused on partner and group work because that is one of the things I enjoy about F3, men working together to get better. [Read More]

Dirty Dozen for Doras

YHC responded to a well placed DM from the current Site Qs to make a return trip to Point Break. Absolutely perfect temps as we circle up and talk about who the mystery Q may be. An even dozen with no FNGs. We would like to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, but it is apparently still in Chops’ car. So we just mosey instead. A long lap around Waverly Place brings us to the Whole Foods parking lot. [Read More]

Term Paper's Proctologist

YHC had a front row seat at the DTC railroad crossing arm while watching the longest train in the world pass through the city. T’was 5:20 a.m. and YHC still needed to make it to Point Break for the 5:30 Q. Not gonna lie, didn’t think I’d make it, but I did with 30 sec to spare. whew! After proper introduction as the Fitness Leader for the day and stumbling through a disclaimer, YHC led the PAX on a warm-up jog to the back side of Cinebistro parking lot. [Read More]

What's Old Is New Again

YHC and Chipper launch at 0500 for the first shirtless FWD EC run of the season. It was glorious. It also turns out that his watch will only report accurate mileage if we run this particular route backwards. He continues to use this watch. A very solid crowd of 15 for the ME, including Yoga Mat and Whirlie making their first appearances at FWD in a while. Great to see these guys back. [Read More]

All The People

YHC has most recently led workouts that numbered three and four people, respectively. So I am not mentally prepared for the mass of humanity that descends on DTP this Tuesday morning. People keep pouring out of cars like Decal is handing out money or has an extra supply of gasoline. We need a slight change of plans to handle the crowd, but the show will go on. No FNGs. Pledge. [Read More]

Things Were Meant to be Carried

Another glorious night in DTC, ok, it was gloomy and misty. It had been awhile since my last Q. I have been working on this idea for awhile. I arrived early to set up and Old Maid was already on his way out for an EC run, 4+ miles. 4 other did a EC around the ToC campus. Red Ryder let me know of a possible FNG he was bringing. I was nervous, since I had never Q’d when we had an FNG. [Read More]

No Weird Sh*t Here

First off, we are missing some names up top. This is what happens when you procrastinate and do a Friday workout recap on a Monday. If you are missing and care enough to ping me, I will add you in. What a morning. Short sleeve weather and a hint of dawn. Good thing the time change is going to get rid of that shortly. There is my first Old Maid sighting in approximately a year. [Read More]