Plain Vanilla 7s

This is YHC’s second Q in the POGL this week as we try to class this place up a bit. This may be the first morning of the year that I would legitimately label as moist. 3 attack the Dino early followed by 11 more boot campers. Nice to see a few new faces in the crowd that YHC has never worked out with before. Pledge and then a run through downtown to the church parking lot where we circle up. [Read More]

May the 40s Be With You

To be honest the last thing I wanted to do today was get-up and workout. It was 28 degrees and I hate the cold. I have seen a lot of HIMs Q for their birthday so I jumped on the opportunity. I enjoy workouts that keep your heart rate up and build muscle and that was today’s goal. Exhaust the muscles to build the muscle. 5:30 hard start. No FNGs. First item on deck was the Pledge of Allegiance then onto a quick warm-up. [Read More]

The Jazz Tones of Ragnarok

Thorsday’s hard launch of AO Ragnarok started off with the mellow tones of a local band. This was an absolute treat, folks, as they were quite good and we could hear them through most of the workout. I attached a short video of their practice to the 1F and MC channels on Slack for those who want to listen in…or you could just post next week and we’ll see if they come back! [Read More]

Ragnarok Begins

YHC decided that to get a nighttime AO that works with his family schedule, he’d just do it himself. After working with region leadership and painstakingly convincing Mongoose to help me, we toured multiple potential sites and decided that Apex Community Park was the perfect balance of variability opportunity, location, accessibility and parking contingency (if the park is closed). We also wanted to make sure there were some 2nd F options available in the vicinity… which with Ruckus, Southern Peak Brewery, and Brewster’s bar nearby we’ll have some options! [Read More]

We now call Fartsacking "Frisco-ing"

The featured image came directly from a Google image search for the word “Fartsack.” That is the highlight of this Claymore Q, since it featured the return of Notorious F.A.R.T. himself, @frisco! In classic Frisco style, we’re already warmed up and about to start Thang 1 by the time he rolls up in his Vespa-like eco-car. After we finished up our penalty burpees, the MC commenced and quite literally didn’t stop even though I could smell the merlot peaking up over the back of his tongue…alas, we got no merlot. [Read More]