I love the Lions Den

Ah.. July in Carpex doesn’t disappoint that is for sure. The weather was a a glorious 75f and moist. Arriving a bit early for a little EC as I do, also to scout out my tentative plan, 10 HIM joined for the my tour of all the parking lots had to offer. Starting with the pledge then a mozy a loop of large lot for warmups: Good Mornings Seal Claps Overhead Claps Sir Fazio Arm Circles Runners Stretch Thang 1: 4 corners ladder up - adding the previous exercise to each corner. [Read More]

Pair Up in Groups of 3

Day 6 of Frisco’s Week of Terror(ible) Qs. Picking up the 6 is a big deal to me. When I started F3, I was 25 lbs heavier than I am now, facing down a Sad Clown life, and on the edge of being too out-of-shape to keep up with my 2.0. As I lumbered along I had those thoughts of “I can’t do this. I let myself get too out-of-shape” or “I’ll workout on my own for a while then come back when I can hang with these guys. [Read More]

Ask and You Shall Receive

After wrestling the Q away from Hotspot, picking up Biner and seeing no bat-signal at PBX’s, YHC rolled into a darkened Apex Nature Park. On the way in, we passed a group of runners (the usual suspects) – Hotspot, Michelob, Pet Sounds, and Old Maid. As we gathered in the gloom, Pet Sounds mentioned that he would like something a little run-lite since we’ve logged so many miles in F3 this week. [Read More]