Merkin LBC Madness

Thirteen studs braved the elements to celebrate the VQ’s of Sudafed and Badlands. Here is what we did. Pledge of the Allegiance Warm-Up Sudafed: 25 x SSH IC Sudafed: 10 x Burpees IC Sudafed: 10 Good Mornings IC Badlands:15 Imperial Walkers Badlands: 15 Merkins Badlands:15 Mountain Climbers Mosey to the elementary school for the thang. The Thang Part 1 (Sudafed): Partner up for Bear Crawl 1-2-3’s 1: Bear Crawls to the island (100 feet? [Read More]

Virgin Fields

FOD was my first Carpex Post and so is VQ now. A few fist bumps with PAX, Words of encouragement and support, butterflies in the stomach settling down. 31 Strong for this VQ No FNG’s present. Disclaimer is given. After the Pledge of Allegiance Warm-Up Mosey up the pickle, across the street to the shelter parking lot around the back island and circle up for 10 X Side Straddle Hops IC 10 X Windmills IC 10 X Fazio C X 2 IC 10 X Overhead Claps IC 10 X Good morning IC [Read More]

Please, put your shirt back on

29 giants of the gridiron took to the pristine fields of Mills Park to usher in the 2018 NFL Regular Season. Under cover of darkness, half the crew shed their shirts to reveal chiseled abs, bulging biceps, and tantalizing tattoos. Ma Bell couldn’t get his shirt off fast enough, prompting YHC’s favorite quote of the morning…“He paid too much for that to keep his shirt on.” But let’s get down to business so YHC can focus on BRR mental preparations. [Read More]

Burpee-cides and Bear Crawls 04Sep18

Descending from a Labor Day Weekend mountain-top experience of Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass, and campfires was hard enough. But when the first two sentences spoken to me were “Sky Blue was worried you wouldn’t make it.” and “Can we use your Old Glory calf condoms as a shovel flag?”, I knew we needed to re-instill some semblance of order and discipline in Carpex (amiright, Nantan?). Standards have to be met and exceeded here people. [Read More]

What Time is It?

Given the significance of the concept of a Sad Clown in the F3 universe, one could think the name Flying Circus to be a bit, well, curious. Given the madness that went down at this AO on Thursday, August 23, 2018, I think the name fits. 18 HIM pledged their allegiance to the flag, and then moseyed to the basketball courts. Warm Up Good Mornings, nice and slow 2 x FNGs show up 10 Burpees OYO Hill Billies Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson arms: Circles front and backwards like Sir Fazio, except one arm at a time. [Read More]