Help an Old Guy Out

It’s been a little too long since my last Q so I need to get myself back in the rotation. 16 strong at FMJ this morning to help get things fired up again. Temps are trending cooler so the plan was to keep everyone moving as much as possible. Things went pretty smoothly until COT when YHC realized readers are needed in order for me to see the Voice Memo app icon on my phone, because I can’t remember 16 names on my own. [Read More]

Rotate. Rotate. Rotate. Rotate.

- EC Pullups: Theisman, Red Ryder, Joe Smith, Parker, Bluewater - EC Run (that’s right I said EC run): Michelob, Wonderbread, GTL, Hi-Liter, Snots, Chanticleer, Largemouth, Denali & YHC I’ve done a variation of this workout once before at SWW but I thought it would be perfect for Tortoises so I dusted it off, loaded up the Pontiac P.O.S with some fun toys to play with and the rest is soon to be Carpex History. [Read More]

Traveling Murph with a dash of Panache

26 with one tomato and no FNGs Warm up 1 lap o’ the pickle SSH x 15 IW x 10 GM x 7 Merkins IC x 15 Squats IC x 15 Thang Alternating light pole ladder with Merkins and Squats into the Middle School parking area. 2:3 ratio increasing until we pause at 10/15 4 sets of 7s with Pull Ups and alternating between Merkins and IC Squats. 2 sets at Middle School and 2 in Elementary School Playground [Read More]

The 2018 Odyssey: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

In CARPEX, we have a saying “if there’s no Back Blast then either it was a Riptide Q or it didn’t happen”. But the Odyssey did happen (I have the t-shirt to prove it) and so it must to go down into the annals of CARPEX so that someday future generations will read about it and ask themselves “What the #*@(#* were those morons thinking?!?!!” So what the #*@(#* were we thinking? [Read More]

Water Wings Week Part Tres

11/7/18 We had a blast doing pull-ups, monkey humpers, rock your bodies, fast feet, curb hops and Australian mountain climbers. Most complained, but all delighted in the punishment.

Monday- Funday!

23 HIM strong in the very moist & gloomy Wolverine – so much for the bright sunshine post time change. T-Claps for 2 FNGs coming out in the rain – nice start! We started with the pledge of allegiance at the flag. Cross Davis to the west sidewalk & head up to the middle school - started the warm up in the front, but moved to the back to avoid the garbage truck… [Read More]

A trip to the zoo brought to you by the numbers 7 and 14

Nice warmer weather again this morning brought out 13 of Carpex’s finest to the premier skate park in SW Wake County. YHC tried to solicit some requests for the workout today - didn’t get much but decided to work in what I could 530 - time to start - a few still messing around at a truck trying to find a pair of gloves - so the rest of us went over there and did 1 burpee OYO to start. [Read More]

All aboard the Middle School Bus

A brisk cool morning greeted the kids waiting for the bus this morning on their way to Salem Middle School. The gathered in the parking lot and waited patiently for 5:30. Apparently, the bus driver (who was their early) wanted to protest the start time so we didn’t get moving until 5:31. Largemouth wondered if he was going to make everyone stand around until 5:45. While it seemed like a good idea…. [Read More]

The Mag Mile

A beautifully clear day at Wolverine. 5:30 in the morning - 50 degrees. Moon is clear and stars are out. Had an aggressive plan for this morning, but 31 PAX showed up for a beatdown, so I had to adjust. I had planned for a Track & Field event, but ended up with only the track - well, I have my next Q tee’d up. We ran The Magnificent Mile - Nicknamed “The Mag Mile”. [Read More]