Rush Hour in the Rain

I just realized while working on this backblast that Rush “Hour” is only 45 minutes. I’m sure I’m late to the party on that one… YHC is on a Q quest this year. I’d been toying with Qing in Carpex for a few weeks, but was hesitant to “break the seal”. Ragnarok was my first Carpex Q, but Rush Hour was the first Carpex Q that I scheduled (after The Trudge asked me to release this morning’s Q in Raleigh). [Read More]

Factor of 5 Escalator during the Rush Hour

Date: 9/22/20 AO: Rush Hour PAX: Cauliflower, Chewie, Disco Duck, Horatio, Kermit, Speed Racer, WWW I thought I was going to fartsack the whole day but as I got to class, the instructor mentioned that we are getting out at 4;00 pm. That brought a smile to me face because I realized that I can make Rush Hour. What was glorious about working out in Rush Hour is the weather was absolutely amazing. [Read More]

Cousin Co-Q Na’mean

The first cousin co-q (correct me if I’m wrong) was led on 8/15/19, where Speed Racer took the PAX from the window and Peeping Tom brought us round to the wall. Warm Up Speed Racer called time and we moseyed to the bank where MARY was: IC:20x - SSH - High Knees - Windmills - Imperial Walkers Then, because most of us could use a little more stretching: IC:10x - Warm Up Squats [Read More]

No Upper Body for YHC

It’s well known in Carpex how if you want to get on the Q sheet you need to plan ahead. So, that is exactly what YHC did when signing up for various Qs throughout the year. However 22 days ago YHC fell off his bike, was taken to the ER, and messed up his shoulder pretty bad. After having to give up 2 of my Qs since then, it was time to get back out there! [Read More]

It wasn’t a Murph

After stressing out for a few weeks about my first Q, it’s now Monday. I ping Peeping Tom, my cousin who EH’d me one year ago, to get some feedback on my plan. Grief is delivered, something about how I’m asking him about this the day before I’m supposed to Q. I attempt to correct him, stating I’m fine, I’ll have all day Tuesday to nail things down. Additional grief is exchanged about how I’ve actually only got 10 hours before the Q. [Read More]

It was quite Beige in the heart of Bradfords Ordinary

19 pax show up, everyone in one of Becky’s freshly pressed TT’s, no FNGs, gloves not required. Straight vanilla., or beige? 7 Rubberbands follow Angry Elf for stretching. The remaining 12 BOs head to the bank to warmup with various stuff. In plank position, Burt is called on …….. ? And he calls calf stretches. Yeah we were all thinking the same thing, waiting for it to sink in. Really? Shaking away the cobwebs, gathering his wits, he then has us going into a progression of calf stretches, merkins, and …. [Read More]

New faces and new places in DTC

Standing around the parking lot at the original CARPEx Thursday AO, one of the OGs dropped a bomb: “I hear those boys in Apex are thinking of a separation. With all the growth in Apex, it may be time for them to get their own region” You could hear a pin drop. Sure, these days it seems like a new AO is cropping up on the west side of 55 every other week and Sooey hasn’t let the fact he EH’ed Frisco from EH’ing most of the rest of Scotts Mill. [Read More]

Introducing the Apolo Anton Oh No!

Wednesday, plenty of options to ensure the sun is fully blotted. YHC on the QIC at SNS. Let’s go! Warm-up: Over to the community center lot via butt kicks, high knees and karaoke Circle up for GM, SSH, SFAC + seal claps, merkins Quick feet + curb merkins at 10, 15, 20 The Thang-a-lang: Get a partner and 1 rock per group Flip-flop running the pickle whilst 1 partner amraps curls, triceps, press and rows Introduce the Apolo Anton Oh NOOOOOO! [Read More]

148, 44, 54, 6, 3, 2

Angry Elf and YHC had it all planned out. Until 50 guys showed up at Danger Zone! Too many to take down into the bowels of the park. But we have a glorious field that fits 50 perfectly. Anyway, today was a big day. A day of numbers one might say. 6 - Carpex’ 6th Anniversary. Evidence shows the first Cary F3 workout occurred on 5/31/2013 at North Cary Park and was named Danger Zone. [Read More]

Don't sweat the small stuff ... its all small stuff. If your 5 mins early, you’re late ... 5 secs to beatdown.

The day started out great. I awoke at 0415 for my normal father dooties (no pun intended). I took the youngest member of my family, our mixed breed dog, Ella for a morning walkabout. As I got home, my M was waiting for me stating something does not smell right. She was right. My littlest of all littlest, Ella made a mess in her kennel and I had to clean it up which now put me behind my schedule to ready myself for this morning’s beatdown. [Read More]